Brutally Simple: My Current Exit Strategy for Iraq and Afghanistan

Wow, it's actually quite brilliant from a strategic standpoint. But you'd have to do it while the Russian bear had it's pants around his ankles screwing some poodle, say France?

"Oh Mrs. Sarkozy, would you please bend over and pick up that pencil?"

Posted by at September 29, 2009 4:32 AM

How about adding a few dotted (airborne) arrows coming in from the direction of Israel? They've earned the right to be in on the fun.

Posted by AskMom at September 29, 2009 5:00 AM

Yes, why treat the headache and ignore the brain tumor?

Posted by Gagdad Bob at September 29, 2009 5:02 AM

It's sweet but it should have been done very shortly after the invasion of Iraq along with a visit to Damascus. We have a couple of big problems over there, one just keeps a lower profile.

Posted by Dave at September 29, 2009 5:15 AM

Sadly, the clock appears to be too close to midnight for this option.

We (the US) failed to take advantage of the instability in the days surrounding the elections and now those who have installed themselves into power in Tehran are even more emboldened.

Weakness, openly displayed amidst immense arrogance and even bigger ignorance, is never a good thing to have in the house at 1600.

Obama truly believes that the world changed on January 20th. Sadly, he's right, but not in the way he thinks he is.

Obama is a paper tiger at absolute best -- and no one on the world stage, even our allies, are taking him seriously.

When the president of France is more hawkish than the president of the US times have drastically changed.

May God protect us from the disaster that is being wrought 'round about us.

Posted by Aye Chihuahua at September 29, 2009 5:52 AM

You'd get no argument from Rommel or Patton. The Vanderleun pincer. Not for the Manchurian Mincer.

Posted by jamzes wilson at September 29, 2009 8:20 AM

It's a little bit disconcerting how no one seems to realize that every country that ever tries to go into Afghanistan ends up leaving, defeated - the most recent example being the USSR.

Posted by Peter at September 29, 2009 9:15 AM

It will have to be done Gerard; when it eventually happens we shall make sure you get due attribution.

The British were presented with the ideal opportunity when the little mongrel seized the Royal Navy Patrol. Such humiliation has emboldened the little runt. But I'm afraid it will have to be Ben Netanyahu who does the deed. Nobody else has big enough balls now and the 'Leader of the Western World' (FMOBB!) has another agenda. Stand by for a fun period of world history; if you have a twisted s.o.h that is.

Posted by Frank P at September 29, 2009 11:51 AM

Alas, that would only treat part of the problem (although a large part). Pakistan will have to be addressed at some point.

Posted by ken at September 29, 2009 2:53 PM

I saw the map, kinda knew what was coming, but still giggled, and shook my head, and felt sad.

Posted by Douglas at September 29, 2009 6:12 PM

Nobody is going to be to old to resist what is bubbling up from the sewer, Arthurstone. The innumerable fakers who are already bent over in supplication are of all ages.
That is the bizarre commonality you and your socialist friends have with Islam. Submission.

Posted by james wilson at September 29, 2009 7:05 PM

You know, Arthur, there is something a thousand times more cowardly than being a pacifist when you are young; then later when you are mostly protected by age, admitting to the virtues of war. That worse cowardice is to cling to isolationist and anti-war rhetoric even after your intellect rebukes it, because you fear the scorn of others.

Consistency can indeed be a hobgoblin.

Gerard has written of his admiration for our military personnel, his shame that he can't make up his lost opportunity to serve, his support at any price for the men and women who do the job he admits he was too foolish to do back then. He has freely stated that the warriors he used to look down on, he now sees as better men than he.

Maybe all that is not as brave as actually serving would have been. But it is brave enough, and braver than continuing to spout a party line he no longer believes.

My family is blessed with many current and former service and law enforcement people. They admire the work done by Gerard and others like him, who tell the story of liberty and freedom in a way that inspires and comforts. They respect, rather than denigrate, his conversion from war protester to champion of democracy. It's the never-changing hardcore left, people that can't see right and wrong even after a lifetime of staring it in the face, that bring out the sneers from my brothers (Air Force, Coast Guard) my sons (Navy, Firefighter) and my cousins (Army, Navy, Marines, Cops, Firefighters, Secret Service.)

If there is some problem with people changing their minds, and especially as in Gerard's case, for the better; will you explain that problem for us more clearly? Or do you feel that there is no honest growth and change, only two-faced self-serving? Shall vows of silence be required from any adult on any issues about which they have a change of heart?

That would make a very quiet and lonely world, indeed.

I myself believed in a woman's "right" to abortion when I was young, and fertile, and naive. Now that I am wiser, and coincidentally or not, beyond childbearing, I find abortion repugnant and evil. Thus I fail - according to your "math." I invite your scorn, Arthur, it will put me in excellent company.

Posted by Askmom at September 29, 2009 7:37 PM

Focused in on the map, and the recognition hit, and I laughed and laughed, sitting by myself at my computer.

Posted by gcotharn at September 29, 2009 10:58 PM

We could easily eliminate a few of those pesky nukes Obama doesn't want anymore with your strategy, Gerard.

Posted by Daphne at September 30, 2009 12:45 PM

Askmom, that response was so perfect.

Posted by Daphne at September 30, 2009 12:47 PM

Askmom: Bravo! I have read your comments elsewhere as well. This is by far your best.

Gee, Arthur, you really don't get it. Mockery simply shows your shallowness. Try thinking sometime. It's painful, but productive. In your case like constipation.

BTW I have a son who deals with explosives in the Navy. I am tremendously proud of him.

Posted by Bill at October 1, 2009 5:13 PM

Askmom: Bravo! I have read your comments elsewhere as well. This is by far your best.

Gee, Arthur, you really don't get it. Mockery simply shows your shallowness. Try thinking sometime. It's painful, but productive. In your case like constipation.

BTW I have a son who deals with explosives in the Navy. I am tremendously proud of him.

Posted by Bill at October 1, 2009 5:22 PM