How Would Sullivan Know? He's an Ass, Man

Even for the accommodating Andrew that's quite a mouthful.

Well played, sirrah!


Posted by Joan of Argghh! at February 9, 2010 3:51 AM

I just wish that, for at least one hour, Andrew Sullivan could forget Sara Palin is a woman.

Posted by Salt Lick at February 9, 2010 4:26 AM

They say that at one time TAtl was worth reading. It must have been long ago.

Posted by dr kill at February 9, 2010 4:43 AM

Perhaps baby Andrew was subject to a deeply demented combination of breastfeeding and abuse. Now his rage and betrayal foam up at every public reminder that some smart, savvy, loving mom isn't "his kind" and doesn't adore HIM.

We all recoil at the garbage-laden wake people like Andrew inevitably trail. If these unfortunates were dogs, we could put them out of their misery. Therapy has limits, and Andrew is probably beyond them.

Posted by Askmom at February 9, 2010 5:27 AM

My new favorite word: factlacking. Did you coin it, G?

Usage: "Of course all of this is just the standard, factlacking, residual flotsom that bobs about in the drug-laced soup simmering in poor Andrew's seething cranium."

You are the master.

Posted by Western Chauvinist at February 9, 2010 5:31 AM

"...the Father Coughlin reference...a dead Canadian priest who promoted Hitler."

To clarify, Coughlin was a socialist who condemned President Roosevelt for not being sufficiently left-wing.

Coughlin supported both Hitler and Mussolini because Coughlin himself pushed a leftist agenda that he described as "social justice." (Sound familiar?)

Posted by pst314 at February 9, 2010 6:22 AM


Randy Andy Still Can't Get To Second Base

Van der Leun Homers

Posted by Rob De Witt at February 9, 2010 7:11 AM

You'd be surprised how often phallophilia is just masked gynephobia.

Posted by Gagdad Bob at February 9, 2010 8:45 AM

"Do not under-estimate the appeal of a beautiful, big breasted, divinely chosen warrior-mother as a military leader in a global religious war."

What, exactly, would Mr. Sullivan know about the appeal of feminine beauty, breasts, warriors, religion, mothers, and global-warfare?

Posted by Mikey NTH at February 9, 2010 11:30 AM

Okay, you've proven to me that The Atlantic has a publisher. But I refuse to believe it has an editor.

"She has literally no serious plans commensurate with the health care crisis..."

"...with populism roiling everyone and everything."

"...but couldn't break down his denial that he had authorized almost all of it (she wants more of it)"

"...attempt to politicize the military as belonging to one party, cooptation of one religion in America..."

As for Sullivan's stock of useless adverbs: it is literally, utterly, totally, incredibly, genuinely, demonstrably inexhaustible.

Posted by Robert Townshend at February 9, 2010 11:37 AM

Slow day in the blogospeher?

Time to clean out the must read list to avoid having Sullivan (or Johnson) foisted on me when I want the news.

Posted by Larry Sheldon at February 9, 2010 11:38 AM

It's over the brink into the yawning chasm of insanity -- assuming he has not already tumbled -- unless he enables comments RIGHT NOW.

This is the kind of stuff people don't write if there is a mechanism available through which differing prejudices might offer an inconvenient challenge. They don't write it because they can't.

Your all-purpose Sullivan-response artwork:

Posted by Morgan K Freeberg at February 9, 2010 12:31 PM

The news Sheldon? We don't do the news. We don't got to show you no steeking news.

Posted by vanderleun at February 9, 2010 1:43 PM

Great title.

Posted by Mrs. Peperium at February 9, 2010 1:51 PM

Here's the perfect give for Ms. Sulky-man:

Posted by Jewel at February 9, 2010 1:59 PM

Always good for a laugh is Mr.Sullivan.

Posted by thud at February 9, 2010 3:33 PM

So now I'm confused: is Sarah Palin the dumbest human women ever incarnated, or a reincarnation of Cleopatra (with a little Lady McBeth thrown in for good measure)?

Maybe Andrew should team up with his spiritual doppelganger, Keith, and launch their own radio show: Obie and Andy.

Posted by Dewey From Detroit at February 9, 2010 3:51 PM

He should have quit it while he was still a tad sane. But again, it's already too late.

Wat is left is for us to just sit back and watch the final meltdown. It's gotta have some entertainment value... or not?

Posted by newton at February 9, 2010 3:58 PM

Big breasts = breasts that exist. Apparently.

People are still arguing about the antisemitism thing, which I think could go either way. For instance, one Andrew Sullivan is OUTRAGED by it . . . !

I would so love The Atlantic if it weren't for Sullivan. What, for instance, could Megan McArdle do with two research assistants/co-bloggers? The mind reels.

Posted by Joy McCann/Miss Attila at February 9, 2010 4:57 PM

Dewey from Detroit: She is in their OODA loop.

OODA loop:

My take:

Posted by Mikey NTH at February 9, 2010 4:59 PM

Actually, I've been thinking for over a year now that Sarah Palin may just turn out to be America's Joan of Arc.

I define that as an inspirational leader who appears out of nowhere when the situation seems hopeless.

She's already been burned at the stake by the media, so at least she's gotten that out of the way.

Posted by rickl at February 9, 2010 5:56 PM

"How much longer before Sullivan becomes an out and out embarrassment?" Too late. Much. Too. Late. The man is aids-demented.

Posted by RKV at February 9, 2010 7:41 PM

Dear Mr. Vanderleun: No. No no no. You are dead wrong, completely off the beam. So are those commenters who attribute AS's writing to any sort of dementia, however caused. The motive behind AS's antics is AIDS-related, but not in the way you think. Nor does any childhood trauma have anything to do with it. Consider:

1. Under present law, AS's HIV infection makes him ineligible for citizenship, or even permanent residence.

2. Let AS go back to Britain, and he is dead. The jihadists have not forgotten, nor forgiven, his howlings against them in the days when AS worshipped Geo. W. In London, he'd be beaten or worse, and he knows this.

3. AS has written that his last visa here will expire in March 2011 unless something changes.

4. There's only one way something can change. Even if the law isn't changed, The One can wave his magic wand (Holder) and AS will stay in this country. Law? What does Sully care for law? Hain't he got the Acting US Atty for Western Mass. under his thumb?

5. The price for this devil's bargain is complete subservience to The One. The pumps the Dutch use to keep their polders clear of water have less suction than AS is using to The One.

6. Let AS gain permanent residency, and he will go haring off on some other idiotic quest, full of pretension and bunk. The One, skilled in such judging, knows this, and hence will keep AS dangling as long as possible. Besides, it's fun: "There's Sarah, Rover. Sic 'em!" It's a joy for The One to watch blind fanaticism in his service. The One reads AS's blog, smirking and nodding his head at every paragraph. David Bradley appreciates this, as does AS. AS is giving Bradley exactly what he wants. AS's skull and crossbones will fly at THE ATLANTIC until The One is canned at theh polls by the plain people, or AS gets permanent residency, whichever comes first.

7. Wieselter is a windbag. I slogged through all 4300 words of his rhetorical artillery, which had the same effect on me as Verdun had on the French. For every ounce of sense, there was five pounds of score settling (AS was Wieselter's nominal boss in AS's NEW REPUBLIC days) and tons and tons of wind. Let Wieselter settle his grudges in a manly way instead this deferred hair pulling and scratching.

Summary: If AS is insane, he's not responsible for his actions, and hence escapes all blame. AS's style has not deteriorated as mental or physical illness or chemical addiction would make likely. Cold calculation drives what he writes. AS is a monstrously wicked man. No need to apply bite size Freudianism or other such quackeries to "explain" AS. Such explanations imply he can be cured. Bah. In the eighteenth century, he would have been stopped long ago when he lost his first duel. Our more civilized age doesn't have such remedies, as the jihadists know.

I reiterate: the best biography of AS was written by H.L. Mencken, viz:

"A demogogue's mind is a beautiful instrument. It can think whatever he wants it to think."

There's AS to the life.

Sincerely yours,
Gregory Koster

Posted by Gregory Koster at February 9, 2010 9:47 PM

That's a pithy and persuasive comment Koster. I've put a pointer in the post.

What think others?

Posted by vanderleun at February 10, 2010 12:22 PM

The scary thing, Gerard, is that if Koster is right and Andy is "evil, not just insane", then Obama is ferociously evil too. That's going to be a rough ride.

Posted by Askmom at February 10, 2010 2:50 PM

Well in that case I'd better put on my chaps.

Posted by vanderleun at February 10, 2010 4:37 PM