Dear Cuba, Shut up and get a job!

Gee, they could start with, oh I don't know, maybe a real sewer system and, lacking that, maybe just potable tap water(with pressure!) in La Havana.

Fortunately, marijuana is legal and ubiquitous there, keeping the populace in a permanent state of blissful planning and in a constant fog of disinclination to do aught about their fate.

As I said elsewhere today, where talk is cheap there will always be plenty of words. . . and plans.

Posted by Joan of Argghh! at February 18, 2010 4:59 AM

So how exactly does that press dispatch differ from what we hear coming from the Obama administration? What was that thing about 'jobs created or saved'? Or the E.P.A, for that matter- New studies show environmental danger increasing. Legislation must be enacted. New regulation required.


Posted by jwm at February 18, 2010 7:08 AM

. . . . and it's now 4:30 and you've got to pack your donkey for a long weekend in an alcoholic stupor

Uh, Gerard, I think Cuba ate all its donkeys ages ago.

Posted by Don Rodrigo at February 18, 2010 9:48 AM

So how exactly does that press dispatch differ from what we hear coming from the Obama administration? What was that thing about 'jobs created or saved'? Or the E.P.A, for that matter . . .

As a current denizen of the bowels of the federal government (yes, we fedcritters do resemble tapeworms and other parasites, and don't dress much better, either) I can attest to the veracity and astuteness of your observations. The other remarkable thing about the missives coming out of your multitrillion dollar gubmint is that most of these statements are pounded out on keyboards by creatures who have no fingers or limbs, but pound away with what on more advanced life forms would be called a head.

Posted by Don Rodrigo at February 18, 2010 9:54 AM

Amazingly, my daily newspaper, the Baton Rouge Advocate, actually ran a small article this very day, Feb 19th, headlined "Mule Deficit Spurs Census in Cuba." I kid you not. It's bizarrely reported without elaboration that the government has "commissioned a census" of mules in the nation. The AIN news agency says that Cuba is some 8,000 mules short in the highlands alone. "Very important for the transportation of food." They are indeed a green-land.
Mostly, perhaps, though, green mold growing in the heads of the jackasses in charge.

Posted by Jim Hlavac at February 19, 2010 7:01 AM

"Mule Deficit Spurs Census in Cuba."

I have discovered long ago that when I make jokes about impending social trends and their consequences, they always come true, no matter how outrageous. The solution is for me to stop making such jokes, so the world can become sane again. It's all MY fault, NOT Bush's.

Posted by Don Rodrigo at February 19, 2010 9:33 AM