Later for Traitors. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize. Hold On.

Some might say, "Well, the Democrats are bad, but my Democrat has a great semi-conservative record and is a nice person too." I say, "It. Does. Not. Matter."

Precisely. Nothing stupider under the circumstances than re-electing Democrats just because they voted "NO" on you-know-what. Do useful idiot types actually think that leavening the Democrats with a few fence-sitters is going to make things better? Especially if the Democrats retain control of the House because of such stupid votes? Do they expect this pack of Democrats to be chastened if they merely suffer significant losses? THIS bunch?

Just curious: how are David Brooks, Megan McCardle, Chris Buckley, Peggy Noonan and Ann Althouse going to vote this time around?

Posted by Don Rodrigo at March 31, 2010 1:06 PM

Dear Mr. Vanderleun: Fine post, most inspiriting, not least for the call to action, complete with map. Many thanks.

Don Rodrigo, that would be a fine question to ask all of them. Every week until Election Day, complete with variants, "Are you still satisfied with your 2008 vote?" Likely they will vote Democratic anyway. In the cases of McCardle and Althouse, this isn't so bad, because their delight in being perverse in their writing more than cancels out their individual vote. Brooks, Buckley and Noonan are a different case. These clowns actually still have a rep for being conservative. They are conservative the way Richard Nixon was as Prez. Best to keep firing the 16 inch shells at them.

Sincerely yours,
Gregory Koster

Posted by Gregory Koster at March 31, 2010 2:08 PM

You hit it on the nose, Gerard. Only way we keep this country from slipping further into the socialist cesspool is to focus locally. And to keep the heat on. The Demogogues figure all their nastiness will be ancient history by November, forgotten like a healed snake bite. And if it's not forgotten, they'll say, "Hey, look around, the world's still turning. HC, no big deal. Forget about it." We have to pound these bastards starting now and keep it up all the way to the finish line.

Posted by LT at March 31, 2010 2:32 PM

I'm gonna edit you this one time, Gerard.

The brilliant [not to mention quite hot] Dr. Helen

Posted by WWWebb at March 31, 2010 4:17 PM

It's ON.
I posted before- the greatest, indeed- only effective tool we have at hand is the Republican Party. Like 'em or not. The Republican party needs to see a groundswell of citizen activists getting involved. And they need to get the message loud and clear that we aren't going to settle for business as usual from them. They will get that message only if we show up, and speak out.

The school boards are critical. If your kid comes home with some Politically correct, leftist revisionist crap in his school work, get down to the board meetings, and let them know. These are not, by and large, courageous people, and they fear the anger of parents. And don't count your classroom teachers out, just yet. Yes, there's a boatload of leftoids in their midst, but there are also many decent, conservative, right thinking men and women out there who resent their self serving teachers' unions, and loathe the PC garbage that gets crammed into the curriculum. They find quiet ways to work around it. I know because I work in a school system. I talk to the teachers, administrators, classified, and certificated personnel of all sorts. It isn't as bad there as you might think.
The unions, however, both certificated, and classified are poison.


Posted by jwm at March 31, 2010 6:11 PM

I was going to poke you and say, where's our LGF update, but I am so glad I waited. This was definitely worth it.

Posted by Jewel at March 31, 2010 7:06 PM

Oh I'll get back to our pal at LGF at length after he degrades even more. After all, since I put a stop to endless bad photographs from that venue what more do I have to do for the web?

Oh, wait, his "prose style" and stunted subject palette... that's right.

Posted by vanderleun at March 31, 2010 7:11 PM

You're a racist.
What's a racist? What's that mean?
You are. You're a racist.
Well, then, if it be racism, make the most of it.

Posted by Jewel at March 31, 2010 7:25 PM

Another perfect response from ages past that could be used again to great effect is "So what?"

Posted by vanderleun at March 31, 2010 8:39 PM

Gregory Koster,
Good comment. I like the cut of your jib.

Rick Larsen is my Representative (if you want to call it that) now. If you are the nominee, I will support you and vote for you. When you win, I will be watching. I plan to hold you accountable too. I'm never going to be apathetic again.

Less government, less government spending, and get out of the way of private enterprise.

Posted by Jimmy J. at March 31, 2010 9:01 PM

I am an honorary black woman, a title bestowed upon me by a black woman who said my hocks and beans collard greens and corn bread bested her mother's. It is a title I take very seriously, since black peoples' food and church music is so awesomely good.

But this black woman who told me I was blacker in spirit than her own mama was kicked out of the NAACP due to her conservative views...she felt that children do better in 2 parent homes, and that collecting welfare checks isn't a good career choice. She even told me, and I could not fathom it til I saw it myself: She was told that the way she dresses and her NAME were too white! How does this compute? But I saw the viciousness of black on black racism myself in my own neighborhood.
The neighbor girl was blacker than her grandmother and her brothers and sister. She had a different dad, in jail, and mom was dead of AIDS. She was a beautiful young girl and everyday she was called - by other black kids, even her own family, "GORILLA". She told me this herself, because I was the only mom with little kids on the block whose house she could come to and not feel afraid of being treated this way.
I need to go break something against the wall, now.

Posted by Jewel at March 31, 2010 9:33 PM

There's a simpler route of disengagement. "You're a racist." "Nice slander [libel] you've got there."

Bring it out in the open with the very first response. Don't "answer" it because there is no answer; just label it for what it is. (P.S. Slander is spoken; libel is written. Define it and move on to a serious comment.)

Posted by B. Durbin at April 1, 2010 1:22 PM

Great note!

More making fun of their lies and hypocrisy -- like, "you're a racist".
> Wait, I am AGAINST racism, against Affirmative Racism. Aren't YOU the one in favor of racism?

... Their hero lied about closing Guantanomo; lied about Iraqi Freedom being a dumb idea -- and we're kind of glad he lied. Better to realize your promise was dumb and not do it than to follow thru and do something so stupid as what was stupidly promised. Of course, stupid folk believe stupid promises.

Posted by Tom Grey at April 2, 2010 4:26 AM

"You're a violent racist."

Heh. The first answer that comes to my mind is:

You don't really believe that, otherwise you'd treat me with the deference you show the violent Islamic thugs of the world.

Posted by I R A Darth Aggie at April 2, 2010 10:40 AM

Gregory Koster,
Please forgive my ignorance. I mistook you for the gentleman who is running for the House of Representatives here in Washington State. His name is John Koster and I should have known that before writing the comment above. A careless mistake and I'm very sorry.

Posted by Jimmy J. at April 5, 2010 8:33 PM