We are not at war with Islam? Wanna bet you life?

OK V, here's where I admit racism.

If the 'Muslims', by which I mean a small group of middle eastern savages, succeed in winning this religious war that means they wind up converting a small group of European savages, the Germans and Gaels, in which groups I include the Dutch, the Brits, the Scandis, the Franks, many of the Italians and much of North America and Australia. With any luck the Greeks and Japanese will be converted too.

The 'Muslims' will regret any such conversions very much. There will be the mother of all reverse takeovers of Islam.

The genetics of those currently non-Muslim tribes, reinvigorated by a new religion, will make the present Muslims rue the day.

Nature, not nurture, or you could teach calculus to a horse. You did note that the Lawrence quote refers to Arabs, not Muslims.

Posted by Fred Z at April 8, 2010 5:21 PM

Should we be waiting for the announcement that "We've always been at war with Israel"?

Posted by Cris at April 8, 2010 7:01 PM

Obama has set us up for an attack.

Posted by Fred at April 8, 2010 8:35 PM

I firmly believe if one would simply read The Ishmaelite Exile, by Rabbi Yechiel Weitzman, they will have a much better understanding of the Jews, of Israel and the Muslim world. People had best come to realize there will not be, and cannot be an agreement of peace with Islam. The very foundations of Islam is violence and war, and always has been. There will be no peace until Islam is totally destroyed. Those not to believe this, are residing in a fantasy world. Those Nations like China, North Korea and Russia, are fomenting their very own destruction by providing Islamic nations tools of war. Hitler's hell on earth began at Nuremberg, multi-millions of people died. It was not by chance along that the Muslim Barak Obama also spoke to the world at Nuremberg and not simply to the German people. The war and deaths he brings well far exceed that Hitler brought upon all the world. Obama is the Trojan Horse that the United States has accept in total foolishness as a gift.

Posted by Richard Gavreil S'Chevalier at April 8, 2010 9:15 PM

"They were a people of starts, for whom the abstract was the strongest motive, the process of infinite courage and variety, and the end nothing."

starts = action devoid of rational thinking or reason
abstract = fantasy
process = proving themselves right(preferably in gangs) through violence against the unsuspecting and innocent
end nothing = speaks for itself

But most important for Mr. Lawrenceofarabia, they gave better head than the camels.

Posted by Mike_W at April 8, 2010 10:59 PM

"Following a second attack at a level equal to or exceeding September 11, any political opposition to pursuing our enemies with all means at our disposal will be swept off the table. "

Our enemies now probably see a pattern to our behavior - The Pearl-Harbor/9-11 type attack instantly galvanizes our resolve to total destruction of the perpetrator.

The next major attack/probe by those who would usurp our dominant world position will probably be overwhelming so that a reaction by us may not be easily done.

With the continuing erosion of our economic industrial strength I would think the first volley in a serious attack would be an EMP pulse over Missouri from a proxy countries weather satellite.

With the defeatist and 'peace-loving' liberals being a critical percentage of our population, this may be their chance to go French and sue for a peaceful transition to a new world order.

Perhaps the ... 'World Government' that they have been striving for with such ardor for so long?

Posted by cond0010 at April 8, 2010 11:06 PM

"The war will become, virtually overnight, a global war of violent preemption and merciless attack towards the spiritual and geographic centers of our enemy."

Not with this lot in the saddle, it won't.

Posted by Ken at April 9, 2010 7:57 AM

Ken - Precisely. And how long do you think they would stay in the saddle?

Personally, I think that the desirable short-term outcome would be for the first three terrorist nuclear targets to be DC, Wall Street and the City of London. We won't be that lucky, and they aren't that stupid.

Posted by Fletcher Christian at April 9, 2010 8:51 AM

Whenever I hear someone say "Pockee-ston," I reach for my revolver.

Posted by Voton at April 9, 2010 10:09 AM

@Fletcher Christian: Due perhaps to the angle of my forehead, I have no idea. ;-) \

If they are still in the saddle at all -- if, as, and when (and Heaven forbid, while we're at it) -- I can say with some confidence that things will go worse than they would have gone otherwise...no matter how rapidly (and by what means) they are unhorsed in the aftermath.

Posted by Ken at April 9, 2010 10:58 AM

Given the fact that people actually read his writing and have been known to pay for the pleasure, I would be willing to wager that Mr. V is sitting considerably closer to a frontline than one Arthurstoned is.

Posted by monkeyfan at April 9, 2010 2:17 PM

Ah yes Mr. Stone...Hats off to your valiant struggle against the alarming rise of incipient fascism that is so evident in the right wing instinct for self-preservation. How dare he live in a [marginally] safer hood?

On the broader front; don't they know that the man-caused-disaster doers of no known provenance are just joking? That their threats have simply amounted to culturally appropriate rhetoric? That their deeds have been, and are, justified?

So advance Young Arthur! Advance from the barricades art galleries, bookstores, and sports bars of Pioneer Square. Take back what has been usurped by those elitist hill dwellers! I can almost smell the cordite -or coffee grounds- of your direct action against those Rohingya destroyers, those capitalist ghosts, who from the heights of yonder hills look down their noses on you young pioneers. You band of comrades.

I hear Fat Tuesday nights can quite resemble Christmas in the banileus of Paris...And let's not forget the infamous and deadly summer flower baskets...From Jahanam.

Posted by monkeyfan at April 9, 2010 5:20 PM

Ah. Pioneer Square. I remember well its early history in the anals of Seattle. It was always rather downmarket since the fact was that when the rains came, as they always do, all the sewage from the hills would run off down into Pioneer Square. Some is stuck there until this day.

Posted by vanderleun at April 9, 2010 9:18 PM

It has been pointed out to Arthur before that in the coming war what a man pays in rent will not affect his distance from the disaster any more than it did on 9/11.

Posted by james wilson at April 9, 2010 10:38 PM

Well, as someone once noted, "You can lead a whore to wisdom but you can't make him think."

Posted by vanderleun at April 9, 2010 10:58 PM

"the anals of Seattle."


Posted by monkeyfan at April 10, 2010 11:16 PM

Aslam O Alikom(peace be on to all of you. May ALLAH guide all of you. Ameen.

Posted by at April 11, 2010 5:49 PM