All His Base Are Belong to Him: Warnings About the O-Base Are Baseless


Posted by scory at April 27, 2011 7:50 AM

Jonah Goldberg seems to be little off his oats lately. As an example, see his approval of General Petreaus' violation of Article 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice when he blasted Koran burning in the US by US citizens.
To suggest good impulses for the benefit of the country from anyone, Oboma on down,who steamrollered a massive trillion dollar program down the throats of the American people during a recession, and particularly when there was and is, no way of paying for the program other than borrowing, reminds me of the hunter (Republicans) who encountered a bear (Democrats): The bear said, "Can't we come to a mutually satisfactory resolution? What do you want?" The hunter answered, "A fur coat." The bear said, "All I want is a good meal. Let's negotiate." They did. And the hunter got his fur coat and the bear got his meal and was the only one who walked on.

Posted by St. Thor at April 27, 2011 8:59 AM

Goldberg is an another example of what happened to National Review even when Buckley was still active. These clowns shilled for McCain early on.

The conservative's need to make things work and the human need to be liked are easy prey to our evil twins on the left, and neocons are the bridge builders to nowhere.

Posted by james wilson at April 27, 2011 9:13 AM

Hope springs eternal, though.

Yes his "base" provides him with a "floor" of probably no less than 42-45% of the popular vote, plus another 1-2% for the fraudulent votes from dead people. No matter what. (which is of course pathetic and depressing) However, the Lightworker, and Healer of the World, shining in his brilliance, upon whom millions projected what they wanted to see still only got (if I recall correctly) a total of 53% of the vote last time.

And that was against an old ineffective grump who made no apparent effort to evade being labeled as the Bush Third Term (whose approval rating was in the 30's), and who ran with a candidate who his inept team allowed to be torpedoed and "Dan Quayled" by the establishment media.

We need to swing 3.5-4.5% of the vote. That can be achieved by a few things: A couple of percentage reduction in the TURN-OUT by African Americans, college students, and post-graduate professional cat-owning childless single white women. So yeah he still gets his 94-6% split on the black vote - but maybe several hundred thousand fewer come out this time, simply since it is no longer novel, the bloom is off the rose, the economy is in the tank, etc. Same impact with starry eyed brain-washed nitwits between the ages of 18 and 25.

Combine that with a couple of percentage point shifts in other demographic categories to the "R" candidate. For example, if 56% of all non-African American females voted FOR him last time.....what happens if this time it is instead 54%.

If 52% of all non-African American males voted for the "R" last time....what happens if that jumps to 55% this time?

Among other reasons, we simply cannot have Obama making US Supreme Court appointments to 2016.

Posted by southernjames at April 27, 2011 9:30 AM

Good thinking,southern. Good thinking. From your keyboard to God's eyes.

Posted by Vanderleun at April 27, 2011 9:47 AM

I do recall seeing quite a few Ron Paul signs around the local college campus last election. Perhaps all is not lost yet. Man the ramparts, there's a hell of a battle ahead, and America can't afford us to lose.

PS. Gerard, Is there any chance that you could use that masterful pen of yours to help convince some of the younger crowd of just how vital to their futures it is to stop the spending? Just wondering.

Posted by Roger Drew Williams at April 27, 2011 7:11 PM

On YouTube search for "Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket".

Watch the video and then make a convincing argument Obama wouldn't advocate high prices on consumers to generate political advantage. Good luck.

Breaking the system is the plan. It's the plan even if you hope it's not the plan. It's the plan even if you wouldn't want that plan. It's the plan, even if you don't understand that plan. It's the plan even if no other POTUS has been re-elected with that plan.

The mainstream conservatives are more comfortable putting epicycles upon epicycles to pretend their opponents just want to increase wealth and liberty than to contemplate the simpler and well-supported idea that breaking the system is the plan.

No matter how many Marxist dictators come to power in this world over the last 100 years the chattering class is determined to pretend each one is an isolated actor with no discernible plan and only a slight possibility of success.

Obama is Chavez. Both are committed Marxists trying to advance the Marxist revolution.

Posted by at April 29, 2011 11:28 PM