Comments: "When will the movie be produced starring Morgan Freeman and Meryl Streep? " This should be front page news. [Bumped]

Ive lost the ability to even raise an eyebrow at the media any more. They don't outrage, they simply confirm.

Posted by Christopher Taylor at April 11, 2013 8:40 PM

This is one of the most vile, disgusting stories in decades of first hand accounts of innocent babies being slaughtered in one of our own communities. It got just one mention on CNN and nothing on any other news outlet.

This is out and out murder that was done here, infanticide. How these people can live with themselves is beyond reasonable logic.

They are well aware of the outrage this story will stir across the country, and thus have elected not to report it.

Bastards! I hope they rot in hell. . . soon!

Posted by Geo at April 12, 2013 7:19 AM

This trial is creating a huge hole in the facade of "legal and safe" abortion and the LSM doesn't want anyone to see it lest the whole thing come crashing down under the pressure. So much for women not having to use a coat-hanger in a dark dirty alley.

Posted by drdave at April 12, 2013 8:31 AM

School kids are shot by a madman and the media goes wild. While live babies are slaughtered and…the media is silent.

One Black punk gets killed, most likely justifiably, by a “White” Hispanic and the media goes wild. While two White Tennessee college kids are kidnapped, raped, tortured, set ablaze and killed by four Black savages and…the media is silent.

Bush imposes renditions, Guantanamo and drone kills , etc. and the media goes wild. While Obama does the same and …the media is silent.

A fucking pox on them all. Twice over. And their offspring.

Posted by tim at April 12, 2013 9:24 AM

Not only is the left untroubled by Gosnell, if he called himself a performance artist instead of an abortionist, they'd award him an NEA grant.

Posted by Gagdad Bob at April 12, 2013 9:43 AM

Though I visit HotGas less and less,
this photo blew me away:

Posted by Czar of Defenestration at April 12, 2013 9:53 AM

Thanks, Czar. Updated with that.

Posted by vanderleun at April 12, 2013 10:44 AM

No surprise, none at all.

They will do anything ANYTHING to gain and maintain power and enforce their will on all others. They make laws for us that they exempt themselves from, and consider murder just fine as long as it's "for the cause". (See Dohrn and Ayers, per Larry Grathwohl, for example, or these "abortions".)

They truly believe themselves to be smarter, more advanced, BETTER than everyone else.

And they will prove it to themselves (and YOU) at every opportunity.

And if you don't get it, you should die.

They consider themselves holy warriors, but it is all that is unholy that they practice.

No wonder they're compared so often to the islamists.

Posted by UncleJefe at April 12, 2013 10:57 AM

Look, the press knows very well how powerful reporting can be, they used it the first real time when Ms London and pals had fun with some prisoners in Iraq for two days. They ran with that like crazy, and it turned the entire Iraq war against the good guys after a very succesful start. They've used it as a weapon over and over, but its a selective weapon. They aren't about to turn this against their allies.

Posted by Christopher Taylor at April 12, 2013 11:20 AM

PJ Media is setting up a website where reporters who were headed-off from reporting this horror can give names of editorial staff who covered for the infanticidal mass-killer/Prog Saint

Time to Alinsky these scum

Posted by OhioDude at April 12, 2013 2:38 PM

Oh please. Gosnell is the Republicans and the Christian Right's fault. They are the murderers. By consistently and viciously opposing public funding for free abortions at any time prior to birth, they have shown themselves to be dirty racists, caring not a whit about the troubles of folks of color. It's clear that they approve of and encourage the genocide of everyone who's not like them.

Clinics that provide early pregnancy termination services should be bright, clean, cheerful places where a woman making this difficult choice finds reassurance, comfort, and peace of mind. No public expense should be spared for this traumatic yet life-affirming episode in a woman's life. It's every woman's right to never be inconvenienced by an unfortunate pregnancy when she's not ready to take on the long-term responsibility of raising a child. And it's every child's right to come into this world and be loved and cherished by a mother that wants it, and only when she wants it.

That's why we have the PPACA, passed with overwhelming Congressional and Executive support. So that the d*** dirty racist evil conservatives and Godists will be forced (against their will if it comes to that) to support the bright and shining future of social progress that is the right of every woman, especially innocent women of color.

Posted by John A. Fleming at April 12, 2013 6:14 PM

Mr. Flemming, you are an evil man.


Posted by jwm at April 12, 2013 7:17 PM

What? I'm just reciting what a very large number of your and my fellow citizens (probably even a majority!) actually think. And what they are told to think. We all can't be evil. And who knows what those doing the telling (including me) actually think? It's probably best not to inquire too closely into that, lest you find something you really, really didn't want to know.

And Gosnell? He's so innocent, you'll see, with a fair jury of his peers he'll walk. He was doing the right thing, with the best of intentions, in very difficult circumstances. You try living in West Philly, It might as well be Warsaw in 1941. Those racist Anglos that have surrounded and sequestered Philly fully approve of (in their hearts, if they have the courage to admit it to themselves) the purposeful degradation of their innocent fellows. They are just like the inhabitants of the town of Dachau, oh-so-very-carefully trying not to learn what was going on beyond the borders of their well-tended suburban households and communities, while they tacitly approve of whatever it was that was going on.

The Anglos, proud children all of Anglo slaveholders, need this, want this to happen, so that their innate prejudices can be confirmed, which they then believe absolves them from any responsibility. These evil racists created this, it is their responsibility to set it right and pay such onerous reparations that the pain of it burns for generations in their cultural memory.

Posted by John A. Fleming at April 12, 2013 9:18 PM

JWM, I suspect that he is simply playing devil's advocate. Unfortunately, there are already some in the media making precisely that argument, in all seriousness.

Until i read John's comment, I had naively thought that pro-lifers could only be vindicated by this story. I was wrong. The purveyors of infanticide will never be swayed.

Posted by Julie at April 12, 2013 9:27 PM

Thanks for including this in your Side Bar. Thanks for calling out hypocrisy.

Posted by Grace at April 12, 2013 10:42 PM

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Posted by Scott M at April 12, 2013 11:57 PM

What can I say? My hands are bloody, too. I had four of my children murdered prior to their births. How can I condemn Gosnell? I am Gosnell.

Sometimes I wish there were a law passed making anyone who ever procured an abortion retroactively guilty of a capital crime. I'd run, not walk, to the death chamber for my date with justice.

That would be a mercy. But as it is: I will live the rest of my life with the blood of those four babies on my hands. No water on this earth can ever wash me clean.

Posted by Nemo at April 13, 2013 1:44 AM

If Mr. Flemming is being ironic he left out the sarcasm tag. My bad for taking the post on face value. If not...


Posted by jwm at April 13, 2013 7:39 AM

The left is trying out a new tack on this one: claiming right wing blogs are ignoring this story.

Posted by Christopher Taylor at April 13, 2013 11:51 AM

There are no nice Liberals. They may be polite to you but look at what they are willing to cover up, support, make excuses for, slow-play. As soon as you stand in the way of their policy for the day they will turn on you. When you treat a liberal like a decent human you are opening the door for the roaming slasher that is wandering the neighborhood. If you are willing to sacrifice others to maintain the relationship with the Liberal you volunteer for some of their guilt.

Posted by Scott M at April 13, 2013 4:11 PM

I'm sorry, it was an experiment. I was trying to make the credible argument that a fully committed liberal/progressive/whatever would make, as honestly as I could. I was trying to play it straight, to see if I could craft an argument that people could actually convince themselves to believe.

Posted by John A. Fleming at April 14, 2013 1:10 PM

I think the argument goes more like this:

this is bad but it doesn't represent abortion, and besides he was doing it to help women in need and what have you done? You only care about this because you are being told to by Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin, hypocrite!

Posted by Christopher Taylor at April 14, 2013 8:16 PM

Nemo at April 13, 2013 1:44 AM, no water on earth, maybe, but I forgive you, your babies have forgiven you, and our Lord Jesus Christ can and will forgive you. Simply go to Him, He is nigh unto you. "A broken and contrite heart [our Lord] will not despise." Then you can forgive yourself, and thus free the Lord to use your pain and healing to help save others from suffering. God bless you for your beautiful now-opened eyes! May you bring others like you to come to know the truth, and to know healing - that will be a good step toward ending this insanity in our country.

Posted by Tina at April 15, 2013 7:34 PM

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