Contemporary American Classics: "My Back Pages"

The Left has always hated being told to grow-up.

Posted by Patvann at September 28, 2013 11:28 AM

Whenever I think of myself before my "right" turn, I hear the lyric "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."

Posted by M*A at September 28, 2013 5:39 PM

He is a great song writer and poet, but I don't agree with his political views. Further along in that acceptance speech he said things like: "... like my first idol - used to have an idol, Woody Guthrie ..." and something with which I have problems: "... which I have to be to be honest, I just got to be, as I got to admit that the man who shot President Kennedy, Lee Oswald, I don't know exactly where —what he thought he was doing, but I got to admit honestly that I too - I saw some of myself in him ..."

Yikes. Throughout his life Woody Guthrie was associated with United States Communist groups. And what's up with Bob identifying with a presidential assassin?

I was taken by his music back in the day, a lot of us were. We were young and rebellious and didn't trust anyone over thirty. Many of us have become more conservative with the passing of years. I find it ironic that we have come around again to fighting "The Man". What was anti-American back then has become patriotic. I dunno, maybe another Grassy Knoll but ixnay on the communism.

Posted by chasmatic at September 28, 2013 8:39 PM

"I find it ironic that we have come around again to fighting "The Man"."

I find it entirely un-ironic.

The 'free thinkers' who took the fight to the old line liberals were nothing of the sort. It was always pure will to power, and now that they have the power they have proven themselves far, far worse than those they opposed.

Quote MLK and they offer nothing more than eye rolls, empty scoffing, and epithet.

What more proof do you need?

Posted by ThomasD at September 30, 2013 1:24 PM