Hitler finds out Obamacare will not let him keep his doctor

This short U-Tube video may be the most useful tool of satirists ever produced. It seems there is no screw up that it can't be used to lampoon.

Posted by Jimmy J. at November 16, 2013 3:21 PM

Looks like R.E.M is following Hitler's lead and souring on Obamacare as well. Check out their snarky new song, "It's The End of Healthcare As We Know It"

That's good, was all based on a falsehood
Bribes and fakes, kickback state
Benny Nelson's not a saint

Product of a landslide, not a vote from Rep side
Proggs serve their own needs
Others screwed by Harry Reid
Lost seat of Kennedy's; You lie. No sale
Filibuster, can't muster 'cause deemed pass, deemed pass
Law under fire, representing overreach but the
Supremos are for hire at Commerce Clause fight

(I can't go on .... but thank God I finished it here)


Posted by Callmelennie at November 16, 2013 3:28 PM

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
--- Adolf Hitler

And why will 'they' believe it? Because it serves/satisfies their guilt, fear, envy, greed, feeling of inadequacy.
And when will they stop believing? When their pain exceeds their expected gain.

Posted by Famously Unknown at November 17, 2013 3:37 PM