Because Racist

I know that it is possible to pull up dozens of racist website and thousands of web forums deeply drenched in racism and race baiting and race reveling.

First and foremost, of course, the aforementioned MSNBC.

Posted by Rob De Witt at January 2, 2014 11:42 AM

“I’ve never thought of myself as biracial. I’m black.”

So much for “walking in her shoes“. She’s so conflicted any walking in her shoes would only get one blisters...on the brain.

And the what the hell is up with these biracial nitwits only preferring to identify with one race over another. Is merely being Black AND White so freakin’ difficult? Or maybe not cool, hip or vogue? (Hell, I would think it’d be all that and, considering you’d be the ultimate minority, it would be like wining the liberal victim hood lottery.) Or rather being White isn’t any of those but rather something so shameful you can so nonchalantly disrespect one of your parents? Your own birth mother?!?!

Does this all make the case for racial harmony, laughing at White people adopting Black kids. Yea…no. Rather the opposite.

Liberals, the most racists of us all. They prove it constantly.

Posted by tim at January 2, 2014 12:46 PM

I'd like to think that most people are aware of this, but they show no signs of any such awareness at least in their voting habits.

Posted by Christopher Taylor at January 2, 2014 2:00 PM

And did you notice the boys in blue and the girls in pink? Sexist, traditionalist patriarchal stereotyping at its prim and proper worst.

Posted by Jewel at January 2, 2014 2:18 PM

I am not sure if it was on here but someone asked if she is angry because she is half white or angry because she is half black.

We now have an answer.

Posted by Potsie at January 2, 2014 3:45 PM

If anyone cares to see real racism, just see what the speakers at Bill DeBlasio's inauguration as New York City's mayor had to say.

Posted by Linda P at January 2, 2014 4:12 PM

I initially had a lot to say about her, and to her...

But as a math-nut, I tend to "reduce" things...

I'm down to: "Fuck-you, scrunt".

Sorry, but math wins.

Posted by Patvann at January 2, 2014 6:39 PM

The baby is an adopted grand child. The baby was adopted by one of Mitt Romney's children.

How does that adoption mean anything other than Mitt and Ann Romney have another grandchild?

Has anyone actually made that connection, that this is an adopted grandchild, and that the adoptive grandparents are happy to have him there?

(As an aside - why do progressives hate babies so much that they cannot stand to see other people happy with babies? I am single with no kids of my own, but I do like seeing little children being little children. What is up with that?)

Posted by Mikey NTH at January 2, 2014 6:57 PM

Can you image a picture of Trig Palin holding that new "pink" Romney grandchild?

Posted by halfacarafe at January 2, 2014 8:12 PM

Hay guiz, remember that time Hillary Clinton tried to reform healthcare and there was absolutely no opposition because she's white?

Posted by Dave M at January 2, 2014 8:46 PM

“I’ve never thought of myself as biracial. I’m black.”

Half-White Privilege is such a heavy cross to bear.

Just ask our King.

Posted by goy at January 2, 2014 10:22 PM

The real problem, I think, is that for the left, black babies are future liberals and/or abortions. This is one that got away -- from ideology and forceps.

Posted by Gagdad Bob at January 3, 2014 9:28 AM

I have never thought of myself as White I always thought of myself as American.

Posted by firefirefire at January 4, 2014 6:37 AM