Obama's Superpower: "The Man Who Taught His Asshole to Talk"

You know what they say about pathological liars? They can pull it off almost all the time but they'll always give that little smug "I'm fooling you all, you subcreatures" smile. Clinton used to let it slip.

In President Obama's case, however I don't think he is lying. I think he's just crazy and doesn't have a clue he's accusing everyone else of doing exactly what he is in that very instant. I think he believes he's being amazingly clever and winning and persuasive all at once. He has the perfect line, and when he says it, Republicans will all fall over like targets at a carnival.

Posted by Christopher Taylor at August 1, 2014 10:51 AM

Does it stink in a closed room while he speaks? Seems it should.

Posted by Terry at August 1, 2014 2:09 PM

He is toxic.

I wonder about the smiling people behind him.

Posted by grace at August 1, 2014 7:50 PM

Gerard, leave it to you to pull something up from Ol' Bill. Kid, it was tasty.

Posted by chasmatic at August 1, 2014 11:24 PM