Comments: In the real world, when an employer trumpets its “diversity”

Different hiring practices:

West Coast: Out there they have mastered the shot across the bow with a smile. East of the Cascades/Sierra Nevada ranges people get offended by the way West Coasters say things like “Hey, nice shoes, NOT, hahahahahaha”
That means, “I like you … your shoes are goofy, but I like you.”

Silence means “what a fucking freak, I hope he never calls again”.

That’s West Coast communication. At first thought to be only in Cali, turns out it runs the length of the Western seaboard, mostly for urban types, I might add.

East Coast: They say stuff like “Oh look, those shoes again”.
Means “never wear those fucking shoes again if you want to keep your job”.
Different style all together.

Chicago: says “The shoes are fucked … lose ‘em.”
Means: just what it says.

Posted by chasmatic at August 21, 2014 4:39 PM

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