Our Place in Creation


Posted by grace at August 18, 2014 6:26 PM

I can't wait to see what the rest of it looks like.

Posted by chasmatic at August 19, 2014 12:03 AM

Trouble is, it looks very much like what I used to see as an infant when peering up at the skies from my crib 80 years or so ago, but can no longer see as a result of a combination of failing eyesight and the accrued shit our species has pumped into the upper atmosphere since then. Does a computerised depiction of far off stuff, that humanity will never survive long enough to understand, make up for that?

Not for me, sadly. Moreover, because 'science' is now largely to tool of politicians and other charlatans who pull their strings, who knows what to believe when they jig up their little magic computerised graphics? Carpe diem! The imagination can outstrip them all and it will be ever thus as we hand over the batons to our heirs and successors, until the day when a minor glitch in the Great Scheme of Things brings all the dreaming to a very swift cessation.

Then what? That's the question that has no answer; unless of course you're a 'believer'. Things are currently not going to well for that group in its multi various sub-groups, are they? The King seems to me to be in the 'altogether'. And that, in case you think my soul is entirely lost, is a deliberate double entendre.

Posted by Frank P at August 19, 2014 4:29 AM

Nil Desperandum Frank, People of Faith have a logical idea of what Life is all about.
The Book of Revelation gives folks a pretty good idea of things to come.
http://biblehub.com/akjv/revelation/1.htm this is the AKJ version, easier than with all the thee's and thou's.
The bible is the rule and guide of my Faith and practice.

Posted by chasmatic at August 19, 2014 4:57 AM

Just last night I was peering at the sky with my daughter and her cheap telescope, amazed at seeing Andromeda. On crisp nights we lie huddled under blankets on chaise lounges, derisive of our chickensh*t neighbors and their all-night lights as we marvel at the Milky Way. Even my rheumy eyes seem to detect a slight oblateness to Jupiter, while her young orbs claim to resolve one of the Galilean moons, unaided. Her telescope either confirms it, or suggests that we should imagine we can see them. In any case, if you do not live in the city and have the advantage of some elevation, that red circle is a pitiful underestimation of the wonder beheld.

Posted by Jimmy don\'t play that at August 19, 2014 11:09 AM

Microcosmic Man.
Macrocosmic span.
What's the measure of a smile,
or a child's belly-laughing, cookie wile?
For the answer: Sneeze a googleplex
and blow smoke rings thru your ears if you can.

Posted by Howard Nelson at August 20, 2014 5:37 PM