Comments: Thomas Sowell Wonders....

Criminal justice system indeed!
From criminal collusion with the New Black Panther Party voter coercion in Philadelphia of 6 or so years ago, through the IRS scare tactics and Wall Street plundering, supporting murderous Mexican gangs by giving them weapons, inviting infiltration of our government by Islamists and their fellow-travelers, opening our borders to traitors, saboteurs, and Islamists,... If this criminality by deed and neglect of duty does not deserve the title 'Criminal Justice System' then what would you call it? DDOJ? Deliberately Destitute Of Justice?

Posted by Stug Guts at August 21, 2014 10:09 AM

"...CNN’s showing the home and address of the policeman..." ironically targeted by a disparately African(hyphen)American "lynch mob".

But..but....they APPOLOGIZED, so it's OK NOW!

Posted by CaptDMO at August 21, 2014 6:47 PM

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