Comments: Who Says There's No Good News?

First Al Gore refuses to sell his network to the evil Glenn Beck because he doesn’t like Beck. So Gore sells his network to Al Jazzera even though Beck offered Gore more money. Now this.

Beck should buy the network and call it ‘Karma Network’. Or “How I saved millions and still got this network Network.


Posted by Lands’nGrooves at August 21, 2014 10:36 AM

Saaaaay, how's that "Air America" thing working out for ya'?
Did Jurno-list (now "Gamechanger Salon"), have a good health/retirement plan, or Golden Parachute?
What IS the current rate for residuals on ANYTHING (well, maybe except "Canadian Bacon")Mike Moore uh... produced?

Posted by CaptDMO at August 21, 2014 6:39 PM

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