Comments: War and the (Islamic) State

There are so many angry young men because, in a polygamous and closeted society, there is no prospect for them to be laid except by rape, or by the chance that the family can arrange a cousin for his bed, however unattractive that prospect might be.

Not long ago, when the British born Pakistani young men were continually blowing themselves and others up in public places, they were exclusively recruited from the ranks of those betrothed to first cousins in Pakistan.

I wonder if monogamy were a Greek plot to give every man a shot at pussy. At any rate the difference in the two cultures is and has always been stark.

Posted by james wilson at August 27, 2014 11:27 AM

I don't care what they call themselves. Radical Muslims should be exterminated. Conservative Muslims ought to be killed as well. Call that collateral damage.

Posted by chasmatic at August 28, 2014 6:36 AM

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