Comments: When the persons responsible for seeking out the truth in a case,

Start to finish this has always been about fleecing money out of the hardworking people to give to the slack jawed left. Some one ought to send a message to the people of FerguSTEALALLYAGOTson and tell then MSNBC CBS NBC CNN are handing out free TV's in the lobby and then see how the newsies feel about these bottom feeders after they come to claim what's owed them.

Posted by Kelvin at August 29, 2014 10:06 AM

Ferguson is a microcosm of what the US has been about all along.

When you're on the right side mob rule is your best friend.

But the sun doesn't always shine on the dog's ass - the night must eventually fall.

Posted by ghostsniper at August 29, 2014 2:56 PM

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