Comments: Defeating Baghdadi: The War We Don’t Want But Will Have to Fight

Oh yeah. It will start with some western looking young woman pulling her Samsonite luggage into the airport. She's not going to go through security. She's going to detonate it in the concourse.

Outside there will be one, maybe two cabs unloading passengers, timed to be there. they'll be caught in the tangle, sitting, waiting for the first responders to pull up. Those two cabs will make one hell of a blast.

That will be it for airports for quite a while. Train stations too until they figure out how people can travel without luggage while on business or overnight to visit for an emergency.

Time something like that for two or three travel points on a holiday or weekend and... well you tell me how long it will take to figure out how to move people.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at August 29, 2014 1:00 PM

Boots on the ground, Blood on the sand.

How long is the window of support given for military action by the left? One year? Two years at the outside?

But this time without the mothballed A10's or the Tomahawk missiles which are also on the chopping block...Oh No! That's not really going to be cut! That is a rightwingnut myth!
Care to bet on it?

Posted by Onthenorthriver at August 29, 2014 1:47 PM

The US hasn't been in a *war* in my whole lifetime, some 59 years so far.

Fat pussy's can't fight - they prefer to whine.

Posted by ghostsniper at August 29, 2014 2:59 PM

Apparently, reintroduction of STD's into the goat
population would thin down the herd.
Maybe the crazy from syphilis would neuter the crazy from hydrophobia?

Posted by CaptDMO at August 29, 2014 6:30 PM

We (meaning the U.S.) more than have the ability to completely eradicate these ISIS shit-balls.
But until the war at home, and it is nothing less than a war at home is won, we will not win anything abroad.

The left (i.e. democrats and beyond) have shown clearly that they are willing to ruin this country to change it to something more to their liking and would prefer to rule over ruins, rather than fade into history as a sad footnote.

The corporate interests which control the main-stream republican party long ago sold the U.S. out, first out-sourcing our industry abroad until we no longer even have the ability to create the components necessary to run our critical infrastructure. Now they would inundate our country with waves of new immigrants for a ready supply of cheap labor. All in the name of short term profits for shareholders. Does anyone notice that as the middle class fights for its life, as many give up on looking for work, the stock market soars to new record highs?

Both groups like their voters to be of the low information variety and easily manipulated by media propaganda.

The majority of people have gone along with it as long as they could hold a cheeseburger in one hand, a beer in the other, a television in front of their face to watch the latest reality tv show, and an easy line of credit to buy more than they can afford. Many wouldn't care if Hitler was leading us. Hell, many don't even know who Hitler even was anymore. Fat - Dumb - Happy.

We WILL win, but the times are going to get worse, before they get better.

Posted by Tim P at August 29, 2014 6:42 PM

Treating the symptoms will not cure the disease or prevent the disease from modifying itself to infect other hosts.
The disease is Islam, spelled out in Koran, Sunna, and Sharia law. We need to get at and cauterize or excise this source of jihadism and Islamic supremacism. The disease is already metastisizing into individual cells outside of traceable networks of sleeper agents.
It took the British 200 years or thereabouts to eliminate the Thuggee gangs in India [which then included Pakistan and Bangladesh]. We can't even come to grips with the New Black Panther Party or the Bloods and Crips.
We're a disaster sliding into a catastrophe for dealing with Islamist infiltration and mass murder plans for the USA.

Posted by Stug Guts at August 29, 2014 6:48 PM

There is still nothing stopping another Beslan school massacre except a decision of the jihadis.

Deport Islam and nuke Islam. Let them return after there are churches in each country and Islam has been de-fanged as the Japanese de-fanged Shinto during the American occupation.

Every moderate Muslim (non-practicing, cultural Muslm) in The West is one less vote for moderation back in the sandbox. Give every Muslim 3 days to report to their local police station with current address and ID, Anyone that doesn't report should be dropped into a random country from the air. We can even give them a parachute since we are nice guys.

Charge the Saudis $200/barrel security fee for each barrel that ships out of their country. They can't eat that oil and they import their food.

Posted by tscottme at August 29, 2014 9:01 PM

We are going to have a nuke war with Islam, whether we star it or want it. There is nothing moral about letting Islam take the first shot.

Posted by tscottme at August 29, 2014 9:30 PM

Name a war decided through air power. Da da da dah dah ada daaaahhhh....(Jeopardy treatment plays loudly). Good. Now you know a tiny bit more about military history. STFU and send in the 82nd Airborne. And all of those who disparaged the Iraq War (2003-2011) can now drop an anvil on their heads. The proof of a war's necessity is what happens when or if you lose, fail, or give up. Now you understand.

Next slide.

Posted by Casey Klahn at August 29, 2014 9:53 PM

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