Comments: Why are all the excuses made for Islam?

Instead of excuses, we should be working on an obituary.

Instead of cowering and hoping that it won't happen near us we should be fire-bombing Baghdad and other concentrations of Muslim terrorists. Can't find 'em? Enlarge the target area.

The justification, if one is needed, is that the Muslims are Evil. Whether we are spiritual or worldly, believers or atheists, young, old, gay or straight, male or female, White or Black, or any other combination of the above, the paradigm in which we all repose dictates that some things are good, some bad, and some Evil.

Posted by chasmatic at September 15, 2014 11:43 PM

1 billion Muslims do NOTHING to oppose the so-called extremists. At best they are bystanders while other Muslims murder whomever they want. This is why it's vital we exile the Muslims that live among us and force them to live with the so-called extremists. Not only does allowing Muslims to live among us give the extremists an opportunity to kill us, but it removes any moderating influence from the Muslim world.

Posted by tscottme at September 15, 2014 11:55 PM

Do not accept the lie that Islam is an Abrahamic religion. Islam is the invention of a sick, twisted, bloodthirsty man who lived some 2,000 years after Abraham. There is no connection from Abraham to Islam, not through Sarah, not through Hagar, not through anyone or any thing. All there is is the desperate, inventive lies of Mohammed to claim there is to give his then-new cult a patina of legitimacy that it could never otherwise show.

And obviously it worked because mainline media and respected Christian leaders routinely refer to Islam as root and branch with Judaism and Christianity and parrot the propaganda that "Allah" is the same as the deity whom Jesus called "Father."

-- Sensing

Posted by at September 16, 2014 6:34 AM

The Koran is the guide manual in use by Muslims. After reading this guide manual cover to cover, I came to to the solid conclusion that the so-called "religion of peace" is in actuality a doctrine of absolute EVIL. There is nothing in this book (obviously written by someone on drugs or insane) that should inspire any normal human being, nothing.

Posted by Terry at September 16, 2014 7:26 AM

Try if you want to see the detailed specifics of the heartless, soulless, hateful basis of Koran, Sira, Hadith, and Sharia.
These concepts and practices are being taught to Muslim children in Muslim communities around the world. To be an outspoken 'moderate' Muslim is to be an apostate subject to being maimed, raped, murdered by activist [Salafist/Jihadist] Muslims.
Who're the sources of funding of these schools-of-sadism and armies of barbarians? Saudi Arabia government and royalty and business plutocrats? Iranians too?
Islam, during its 1400 years of marauding and murder converted millions of non-believers to Islam.
Muhammed, brilliant strategist that he was, offered believers the approval of Allah [The God] to plunder, rape, enslave, and murder nonbelievers. Death of the believer in this jihad, holy war, gave certainty to the Muslim 'martyr' and much of his family, of a pleasurable life in paradise. What's not to like?
Anything less than jihad put the Muslim in jeopardy of 'adhab al-qabar,' the endless tortures of the grave.
How much funding of the barbarians comes from voluntary contributions made by everyday 'moderate' Muslims? The CIA knows; what do you know?

Posted by Stug Guts at September 16, 2014 11:58 AM

The justification, if one is needed, is that the Muslims are Evil. Whether we are spiritual or worldly, believers or atheists, young, old, gay or straight, male or female, White or Black, or any other combination of the above, the paradigm in which we all repose dictates that some things are good, some bad, and some Evil.

The remedy to the damage and destruction, the murder most foul and the barbaric actions of Muslims can only be met with a force strong enough to overcome once and for all that which threatens all others.
Death sudden, overwhelming, final, no hesitation, and thorough by whatever means will accomplish the end result — elimination of the Evil.

Posted by chasmatic at September 17, 2014 12:14 AM

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