Comments: Never Trust Anyone Who Hasn’t Been Punched in the Face

When the bloodletting starts, the nancy boys will realize too late the error of their ways.

The barbarians didn't come for discourse; they came for your life.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at September 27, 2014 9:43 AM

Being punched in the face changes your entire life in 1 second and you can't undo it. If you're an intelligent, constantly learning person, it will be one of the most powerful educational experiences you'll ever have. There is no 2nd place and you can't pretend you've been punched in the face.

The pain isn't even part of the equation. The punch in the face illustrates a side of humanity you cannot know until the very second when fist meets face, and for hours, days, months, years afterward, maybe all of your life.

My wife has never been punched in the face and therefore has a limited scope of what's out there. She can imagine, she can learn, but she can't know. To know trumps all else.

It's been more than 40 year since I was last punched in the face but in my mind it was like yesterday and that is why situational awareness is always considered paramount. The next motherfucker that tries to punch me in the face will have holes blown all the way through him faster than he can count em.

Posted by ghostsniper at September 27, 2014 12:20 PM

Been a long time since the last time but I'll never forget the first time. I wouldn't count the playground dustups or the "Friendly" fights while hanging out. But during the high school years and after everybody involved had achieved our full growth and most of our adult strength. Serious, you know?
But about the first time a guy I didn't know and had no animosity towards hit me as hard as he could in the face. Playing football in a field and he took umbrage to my tackling him and denying him his moment. A sucker punch, just below the eye. I lost my balance and hit the ground. After I got up on my knees I waited for my eyesight to straighten out. Biggest mistake that kid made was letting me get back on my feet.
If I met him today I'd thank him. You can't read about or hear about the importance of being alert and learning to read body language. Some lessons need a smack to the head. The sound you hear is the sound of a life lesson being driven home. I don't think that I ever let anyone get inside my guard while wearing that sly weasel smile again.

Posted by Onthenorthriver at September 27, 2014 5:15 PM

The first time I got punched in the face I fell down and could barely stand up. As it turned out I shoulda stayed down; he punched me again and I was done. My buddies broke it up.
I learned two things: how to avoid getting punched; and what to do when some jerk punched me. The last guy that punched me in the face died — crushed trachea.

Posted by chasmatic at September 27, 2014 6:31 PM

Ghost~"The punch in the face illustrates a side of humanity you cannot know until the very second when fist meets face, and for hours, days, months, years afterward, maybe all of your life.

My wife has never been punched in the face and therefore has a limited scope of what's out there. She can imagine, she can learn, but she can't know. To know trumps all else."

Is true unless the first punch is a sucking chest wound, a slit throat, or a beheading. Maybe a car bomb. Those have no learning curve.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at September 28, 2014 7:10 AM

@VW, you're right of course and I'll extrapolate a little further. As described above by several others, getting punched in the face the first time is an experience that yanks you out of your preconceived reality and shows you a new way that can occur at anytime. From then on the next punch in the face (PITF) will most likely not be a surprise nor will it be so all consuming - you'll be somewhat prepared for. People that have never learned this lesson are missing much and that tragedy always looms in front of them.

If a person is not educated by a PITF then the horrifying things you mentioned is well beyond their scope as well.

I was an EMT for a spell and the first thing that must be done is to secure the area so that work may be done for the victim(s). Because of the huge amount of non-education in the PITF type of environment, most of the time when tragedy occurs people in the immediate surroundings are emotionally out of control and a threat to the well being of the victim and the people trying to assist the victim. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to punch people in the face to prevent them from preventing me from assisting the victims.

I'll submit that people that have been punched in the face are better prepared to deal sucking chest wounds, slit throats, and beheadings than people that have not, and it's a sad commentary that we even have to discuss such a thing.

Posted by ghostsniper at September 28, 2014 7:27 AM

We are like the trope in many bad movies of the preppy white guy, in tennis whites, that finds himself in the ghetto, surrounded by thugs. White guy keeps trying to explain HE doesn't want any trouble. It's not what he wants that decides what happens next.

Posted by tscottme at September 28, 2014 1:19 PM

At the risk, no I mean the hope, of being considered racist; White Men learn from a punch in the face, Black men by capping that Niggers Ass.
Civilization isn't sustained in the black ghetto.
When I got punched and had to deal with it, I could go home and talk to my father about it. If I had done the right thing. Yeah, I had a father at home.

Posted by Onthenorthriver at September 28, 2014 9:59 PM

When my brother and I were quite young the ol' man told us that if we get our ass kicked in a fight we're gonna get it kicked again when we got home.

A few of ol' mans tips:
1) Yank backwards on ONE finger and the grabber will instantly let go and head for the hospital.

2) Jam your thumb or finger hard into his eyeball.

3) If you knock him out don't turn your back, he may be fakin', go kick him hard in the face or ribs. If he doesn't flinch, you knocked him out.

4) The term "fair fight" was invented by a sissy, everything is a weapon, the only goal is to win.

Posted by ghostsniper at September 29, 2014 7:13 AM

The purpose of civilization is to contain the inner barbarian. Not to tame him, crush him or kill him, but to keep him in full vigor but on a very short leash. We have forgotten that at our great peril.

I personally NEVER forget my inner barbarian.

Posted by DonRodrigo at September 29, 2014 7:19 AM

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