Comments: “Catastrophic Gradualism”

In the non-political domain: The 'Theory of Catastrophic Gradualism,' so-called is obviously baseless and incorrect as evidenced by the beneficial effects for millions of plague-preventing medications, disease-preventing chemicals such as unjustifiably maligned DDT, the agricultural green revolution resulting in life-sustaining nutrition for millions, ...

That these beneficial developments produced other problems to be dealt with intelligently does not diminish the vastly greater net value of the improvements.

In the political domain: The 'Theory' fails as well. Evidence is Britain's agreement to India/Pakistan independence, pretty much bloodless between Britain and India/Pakistan. The massacres that followed between Hindus and Muslims following partition were not necessary to produce the original partition.
Same kind of story for Britain and 1947 partitioning of Palestine.

The focus should be on on dissipating the ignorance, stupidity, greed and viciousness that results in unnecessary injury.

That is to say, why make an omelet if you're going to have to break valuable shells? Why not figure our how to make a mutually nutritional salad so that all benefit, thrive, and cooperate.

Go build a Panama Canal or a system of reservoirs to prevent wasteful water runoff and to retain dry-season water supply.

The 'Theory' may correlate with some events but does not describe a cause-and-effect relation.

It's time to get fed-up with simplistic stupidities and begin feeding on pertinent principles.

THEY are among us because we've not quashed the ROTS [Rise Of The Stupids].

Up your activist intelligence!

Posted by Stug Guts at September 30, 2014 10:45 AM

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