Comments: Time Waits For No One

Maybe Michael Jackson was smarter than we gave him credit for, with the gloves, face masks, etc. Soon we'll all be isolated caccoons.

Genetic blends,
with uncertain ends,
on a fortune hunt that's far too fleet.

Posted by ghostsniper at October 13, 2014 1:24 PM

It's like being in Caligula's Rome. A half breed faggot of dubious provenance on the throne and toadying grifters running the place.

What else did you expect? Ozzie and Harriet? Ike in the White House?

Posted by chasmatic at October 13, 2014 11:29 PM

Initial inception, growth, weak strains sorted out;

Spread within sub-intelligent wretched sanitation environments;

Attract world attention through lackey news agencies;

Make token and insincere response, like three thousand troops? Really?

Allow slow but steady spread to what was free and clear countries;

Hit North America through recently shredded border restraints;

Allow bloated and ineffective government agencies handle the problem;

Cover up the ten percent built in failure rate of any govt agency with blather and blame-shifting (it still is Bush's fault, he gets more press exposure than side-saddle barry);

Alinsky School for Radicals graduate degrees being handed out as we speak.

You think we can straighten this out at the polls? Really?

Posted by chasmatic at October 14, 2014 6:41 AM

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