"What's this talk of the 'Ruling Class?' :" An Exchange Between Two Readers on Voting

Everyday, even Sat and Sun, I make a hundred decisions that can benefit or hinder my life and most of the time I come out ahead. I learn from my bad decisions, hopefully, and enjoy the good ones.

I see no upside to voting.

My world will still be what it always is no matter who gets elected - full of criminals and near criminals, and people that are worthwhile to know, so it is up to me to chart my own destiny rather than subcontract that out to others, especially those that have a history of criminality.

Today, and in the end, my conscience is clear, I have harmed no one nor have I sanctioned anyone to harm anyone.

Voters are immoral and allow fear to govern them.

Posted by ghostsniper at October 26, 2014 11:32 AM

"Freedom has one foot in the grave in the US and the eventual coup de grâce will amount to a trivial irrelevance."


Posted by Rob De Witt at October 26, 2014 1:45 PM

Mr Nelson, you cannot use the methods of the left to beat the left. They have the government on their side. If you play their game as hard and dirty as they do, you will go to jail. If you don't, you will lose.

Posted by Tim at October 26, 2014 3:58 PM

"The answer is Madrid, July 1936."


The only example I am aware of where socialism was fought against using guns and seemingly beaten. The slow encroachment of socialism there reflects what is happening here (War-on-Catholicism-there/War-on-Christianity here, military-purge-there/military-purge-here, Socialist-governmental-takeover-there/Socialist-governmental-takover-here etc...)

The problem was that when though the civil war occurred and the Socialists were beaten, Franco's Dictatorship took over thus ending the Republic.

Further, Spain is essentially Socialist today. So even though the Socialists lost the military war back in 1939, they still won in the end because they took over the education system and destroyed the previous ideologies that had existed (See Spanish Red Terror where more Monks, Priests and Nuns died in 1 year than non-believers executed in the 200 years of the Spanish Inquistion).

The Socialists want concentration of Power. Franco, even though he was not a socialist, achieved that for the socialists and they bided their time by educating the next few generations of people to transform the country even more to socialism.

The War being fought is really not Socialism/Communism vs Western Civilization, but Big-Statist-Oligarchy vs Free-Republics.

Socialism is merely a tool to achieve the ends for the Power-hungry elitists. They really do not care WHO they control (as seen by their immigration policies) as long as they have the power.

Trouble is that "concentration of power favors the Socio-path" and over time, the Royalty in power will become more and more twisted and evil as the highest ranks will be populated by the worst the humanity has to offer.

So far, no country has really beaten the oligarchs when they use the snake-oil of Socialism.

IF we are to beat them, it needs to be an active war that is not against people, but against the idea of socialism:

1. Start a "Anti-Socialist" media. Any reporter who slinks their way into the company and starts 'trasnforming it' gets shown to the door (fired). Keep to the definitions of words. As you will note, the Socialists love to pervert definitions of words and then transform it so thatthe word no longer means what it originally meant.

2. War on Education where ALL Socialist garbage is rooted out. As they have quietly done, do to them and fire all administrators who have socialist leanings.

3. Weed out the Socialist in the military and fire all the generals who were put in place under the obama administration. Re-Christianize the military.


Socialism needs to be confronted head on. NOT the people but the ideology and destroyed root and branch.

The war is ideological and cannot be fought with guns on the battlefield, but in the classrooms and in the media.

Posted by cond0011 at October 26, 2014 4:46 PM

Tim, the methods I suggested were those of a democratic, well-informed, ethically-oriented, individual-respecting, lawful citizenry seeking beneficial change for all.
The saboteurs are taking us down the old path to tyranny.
From a book review of Paul Kengor's "Dupes" -- h/t www.whatwouldthefoundersthink.com -- , quoting Kengor,

"Education is now the common refuge of the 60s radical left, which searches for a new generation of disciples. Among the Progressives for Obama, no other field appears in their bios more prominently as teaching."
"They did not enter education to teach nonpolitical subjects like math. They went into education to inculcate the nation's youth into their worldview. They are John Dewey's disciples to an extreme degree."

Who will surrender the field before fighting for what one says one believes in?
The Left advanced while the right and the Right slept. Time enough to sleep when you're dead and buried.
From one of the old Jewish wisdom books, "If I am not for myself who will be for me, and if I am only for myself what am I, and if not now, when?"
Semper fidelis. To what? Why? When? "If a person has their 'Why' they will find their 'How.'

If we have too many thieves and strumpets in government vote for the returning military, more and more of whom are seeking public office to serve, not to plunder.

Posted by Howard Nelson at October 26, 2014 5:39 PM

There's nothing ethical about voting and you know it.

If the rest of us vote to skin your tired ass is that ethical?

Either you're an individual or you're a slave and the day is fast approaching when it won't matter – all will be leveled.

Posted by ghostsniper at October 26, 2014 7:46 PM

No matter who you vote for, the government gets elected.
Mark Twain

Posted by itor at October 26, 2014 9:14 PM

gs: I really don't understand your position. Voting is unethical? Voting is simply expressing a preference, a choice. You vote every day by deciding what to eat or wear.
Politically, voting is simply expressing a preference for who will do what you hope they will do for you and possibly others. That's unethical? Do you consider all politicians equal in competence and honesty, or incompetence and dishonesty? If you believe that, then you have no choice or preference.

If yours was the crucial vote for a school board member, choice between a convicted felon/pedophile and someone who'd been competently serving children as a nurse or as a youth counselor, all other things being equal, would you refuse to vote? If you did refuse to vote how would that be ethical?
Do you consider yourself a member of American society, and if so, what do you believe your obligations, responsibilities to be to that society, especially when it is in great need of improvement and assistance from its citizens?

Posted by Howard Nelson at October 27, 2014 10:45 AM

First, I'm going to vote, and vote Republican. Why? Frankly, habit is one, but another is so that any foothold can be obtained. How the GOP will use that foothold if they survive fraud, apathy, and non-voters remains to be seen. You can view it as an "act of desperation," I don't care. Sometimes going through the motions leads to results. Dropping out of the process doesn't.

I am very aware of what a dark situation we are in. I can enumerate it in another post. Still, I'll go to the polls.

Posted by Don Rodrigo at October 27, 2014 11:22 AM

hn: You can't possibly be as obtuse as you are trying to make yourself appear.

Comparing what I choose to wear to whom you choose to perpetrate crimes against yourself, me, and others, is beneath you. Clean your act up.

Voting isn't a right, it is a privilege and you better learn the difference.

Rights trump privileges everyday of the year.

Voting is the justification of lazy cowards.

Posted by ghostsniper at October 27, 2014 1:14 PM

gs, you can easily determine that American citizens of the legal age to vote do have the right to vote. I've not checked this right for felons or felons who've served their sentences. It's easy enough to Google 'voting rights in America' for the specifics.

Privilege, is a horse of another feather -- and is assigned to certain people for very specific reasons, such as military officers who have the privilege of being saluted in various situations, or a senator in the Senate being able to say things for which he'd be legally liable to be sued if said outside the Senate.

Rights therefore do not trump privileges every day of the year -- the trumping is situation and location dependent.

IMO, voters are the lifeblood of this country. That lifeblood may be diseased if the voter is ill-informed or hates the country he's voting in.

The potential voter who decides not to vote is within his rights.

My questions to you remain unanswered. Perhaps my apparent obtuseness is due to your opaqueness -- you have given no rationale for what seems an extreme opinion about voters, other than that may vote to take away your rights. All the more reason to make your voice heard at the ballot box and in the courts [civil rights lawyers would love to represent you or others pro bono].

I wish you well. Let's at least agree to disagree
agreeably. This is no small matter we are arguing about in good faith.

Posted by Howard Nelson at October 27, 2014 3:37 PM

Ladies, fellows, vote if it makes you feel better. Just don't fool yourself into thinking it matters. That's my point.

Posted by B Lewis at October 27, 2014 4:28 PM

Well there ya go Howard, you believe the gov't bestows "rights", I do not.

The diff is, I know what the word *rights* means, you do not.

You disservice yourself in the effort of shear laziness. I thought better of you at one time.

Posted by ghostsniper at October 28, 2014 5:34 PM

Assume we all vote, and:

1) there is a GOP sweep nationwide; the Republican Party assumes the leadership of the Senate and retains it in the House;

2) Ted Cruz (or whomever) rides on the coattails of this new GOP majority to take the party nomination and Presidency in 2016; and

3) on 20 January 2017, the GOP controls the Presidency, the House, and the Senate.

Now ask yourselves the following questions, and be honest:

1. Will abortion still be legal in the United States in the year 2020?

2. Will "gay marriage" still be legal in the United States in the year 2020?

3. Will immigration to the United States still be open to foreigners in the year 2020?

If you answered "yes" to any of these three questions, then you are admitting that even given control of two of the three branches of the Federal Entity the GOP will make no changes to the three policies that are most critical to saving the United States...

...which means that with regard to these policies there are no fundamental differences between the Republican and Democratic Parties...

...which means that there is no point in voting.



Posted by B Lewis at October 30, 2014 7:26 PM