Comments: Each Victimocrat victory is “a significant step forward” but there is always “more work to be done.”

Without victimphiles there would be no Victimology or Victimocracy.
Ergo, get rid of the unjustified benefits of identifying as a victim and the problem is solved and productive citizens are created out of nihilism.
For the next miracle, I will create sense out of nonsense by coercing the nonsensics to experience the consequences of their nonsense.
To fund this reformation of humanity, I will remain speechless and cash in the silence which is golden.
The organizational meeting for this effort will be held nowhere, so be sure to attend. Dour prizes will be given to the attendee with the most sincere smile in recognition of their psychopathology.

Posted by Stug Guts at November 20, 2014 2:52 PM

Ah, Stug. It took me a while but now I get it.

Your busyness card reads:

"Have pun will travail.
Wire Palindrome Sand From Crisco."

If there is a picture of a bantam rooster on it you might be part of my clan.

Posted by chasmatic at November 20, 2014 10:43 PM

chas, I'm noticing the slippage in your mental state; it seems to be slipping in the right direction. And so, your Uncle is most pleased that he chose you to be his nephew; you do him proud.
I'm baffled by the 'Wire Palindrome Sand From Crisco.'
Whaz'it? A new breed of laughingstock or just some palindromic comic gag?

Posted by Stug Guts at November 21, 2014 4:15 PM

Stug: You are a wordsmith; I'm sorta clumsy when I fool around with words. I put together some puns based on an old TV western "Have Gun — Will Travel" starring Richard Boone. About a mercenary (for want of a better word) that lives in San Francisco and makes himself available to folks that have been wronged. His business card has a picture of a chess knight and the text:

"Have Gun — Will Travel
wire Paladin San Francisco"

The use of the name "Paladin" is kinda artsy, referring to the paladins, sometimes known as the Twelve Peers, who were the foremost warriors of Charlemagne's court.

Posted by chasmatic at November 21, 2014 11:26 PM

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