Comments: On Obama and the Nature of Failed Presidencies

The current crop of dickless Senators are afraid of being labeled 'RACIST'!

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at November 19, 2014 5:01 AM

There's no chance any veto will be overridden by congress. There may be 1 or 2 Democrats who step over the line hoping to be reelected in 2016, but that's it.

Posted by Christopher Taylor at November 19, 2014 8:00 AM

A do nothing congress is the best kind.
If your a foot dragging parasite I can see how this would be troubling.

Posted by ghostsniper at November 19, 2014 9:28 AM

I have googled about trying to find out what the 2/3 super majority required to over ride a veto actually is.

Is it 2/3 of members present, if there is a quorum, or 2/3 of all members.

The senate has 100 members and 51 constitute a quorum. Are 34 votes out of 51 present enough? Or are 67 required?

The constitution says a 'majority' of members constitutes a quorum.

If only 34 votes are needed, there might be a few absent Dem senators on a critical date, though they mostly show an absurd loyalty to their crazy Nigerian prince.

Posted by Fred Z at November 19, 2014 10:02 AM

Luckily for Obama the RINOs, and the voters that elect them like a bad habit, war game politics in their head and arrive at deadlock without even an eyelash. "if we pass Bill X, the Dems won't vote for it, Obama would veto it, so we won't pass Bill X and make it veto it."

Boehner and McConnell aren't the only feckless people in the country. The Battered Wife Syndrome is some ingrained in Republican politics that these feckless turds think they are being smart when they do it. They have this fantasy that after the Dems break the rules and do something outrageous one day the Republicans will use that same "new rule" and do to the Dems what just happened to them. That's the lie, the Republicans wouldn't take a deep breath unless they first got permission from the NYT and MSNBC. They will not use any rule to their advantage, ever.

Until you understand you cannot surrender your way to victory, or hide your way to dominance, or ignore your way to reform you don't understand much. 90% of the people that we just elected wouldn't fight if you held their children underwater. They would be only disappointed, but they would not fight. Fighters fight, waiters wait.

Posted by tscottme at November 19, 2014 12:21 PM

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