Comments: Your Inner Feather

My uncle Louie Lozko, we all called him "Letsgo Lozko", he raised bantam chickens. he told me one time that he had been approached by "some big city mook, wore suit like he had paper asshole" who asked him for information on the feathering of Bantam chickens.

"How much you pay, dis ting?" asked Letsgo.

"Er, nothing" replied the mook.

"Der ain't no such ting as free lunch" retorted Letsgo.
"You go now and I tell you as for bantam chickens, dose little sumbitches living descendants of velociraptors. I vouldn't be messing with 'em."

I didn't think he had such a good command of the English language.

"Vink good as nod" was his final whole sentence of the day. You see, since he worked among chickens all day long he had taught them to respond to monosyllabic utterances.

Whoops, drifting real good, better tell you about his talking dog another time. Now, where's dem, I mean them oars?

Posted by chasmatic at November 25, 2014 11:07 AM

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