Comments: RickRuns: Rick Perry's Statement On Australian Hostage Situation

The Aussies got an abrupt lesson in Brit stupidity concerning weapons. They banned all handguns, auto-loaders, pimp loading rifles and shotguns, lever action weapons larger than .22 cal.

So everyone is sitting fat and happy when Mr. Dickhead walks in with a pump shotgun and causes all to piss their panties. A National Gun Free Zone terrorized by one raghead.

This goatbanger shut down the largest city in the Country; tell me others didn't take note of that fact. Where did he get the gun? Nobody is suppose to have them, RIGHT!

This syphilitic camel humpper did more to screw with the Aussies psyche than the Japanese did in WWII. They know the Liberal Government lied to them and it will happen again.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at December 16, 2014 12:25 PM

"We must work with our allies...."

That's the part they always use to tug at your heart strings and guide you down the path of least resistance to tyranny.

No matter how many times they use that well worn out ploy the weak minded always fall all over it.

Drooling red eyed idiots, should be caged, if not severely beaten first.

Posted by ghostsniper at December 16, 2014 1:11 PM

Well at least he is SAYING the right thing regarding this incident. VW your are absolutely correct sir, no guns =no defense. Goat Ropers watch out if you come to the south, everyone is strapped.

Posted by tripletap at December 16, 2014 1:21 PM

That's all a bunch of hot air. We should be killing those that harm our society. You can't do that with grandiose talk. It takes steel in hand and boots on the ground.

Posted by chasmatic at December 17, 2014 6:47 AM

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