Comments: The White Ghetto

"These little towns located at remote wide spots in helical mountain roads are hard enough to get to if you have a good reason to be here. If you don’t have a good reason, you aren’t going to think of one. "

Back in the early '70's while working as a photojournalist, I traveled all over the country making photos of just about everything. Those last two sentences are so true. If you didn't have a good reason for being up in the hills of eastern Kentucky you had a fair to middlin' chance of getting shot. I used to rent cars from another southern state and bought clothes from stores down that way.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at December 20, 2014 11:31 AM

The Appalachian Redoubt will still be standing, in fact won't even stumble when the rest of our country comes unglued.

We have areas like that down around my place, Borderland and miles of desert. Native Americans and Hispanics living there don't like strangers. You have to know someone who will vouch for you if you want to roam around there. I do and I have done.

Posted by chasmatic at December 20, 2014 10:37 PM

This guy Williamson is a screenwriter of schlock movies. He exploits Appalachia by repeating every cliché and half-truth he can get. He's never lived there so he doesn't know what he's talking about. He may be right about one thing: he wouldn't last long talking like a sausage.

When the more "developed" population groups are reduced to mobs and famine, riots and thuggery, the residents of Appalachia will be getting along just fine, business as usual. When the lights go off all across the nation and the oil runs out the country folk will get along OK. This goes for regions other than Appalachia. There are a lot of folks like them in different parts of the country. People that live a daily life, very well if I do say, without connection to the outside world. They have what all the doomers and preppers are scrambling to get and hoard. They can gather and prepare and can most anything without electricity or even running water. Not to say they live in primitive conditions but they are able to at a moment's notice.

Who are the dumb ones here?

Posted by chasmatic at December 21, 2014 7:33 PM

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