And the tag on his toe said "Death by Misadventure". Hemmingway chose the shotgun method.

" The hole in his forehead where the bullet went in was about the size of a pencil.
The hole in the back of his head where the bullet came out was big enough to put your fist in, if it was a small fist and you wanted to put it there.

"I reckon you could have put your foot in the back of his head where the two barrels of heavy duck load splattered out
even if it was a medium-sized foot, and you didn't want to put it there." W.S. Burroughs

Posted by chasmatic at January 16, 2015 9:56 PM

"...a quart of whiskey a day."?
I believe that to be a greatly "minimalized" accounting.
2 or 3 AA meeting testimonies ought to dispel that "estimate" for heavy drinkers.
" The hole in his forehead where the bullet went in was about the size of a pencil."
So, a single barrel, .410 slug then?

Posted by CaptDMO at January 17, 2015 9:33 AM

Capt: yeah, 410 is about that diameter, allowing for flesh shrinking in the entrance wound.

I believe Hemmingway was so enthralled with his own legend that he used a 12 gauge, as all manly men are supposed to do.

Posted by chasmatic at January 17, 2015 8:27 PM