Comments: A simple question...

Laziness, lack of impetus.
People that find speaking properly worthwhile, do.
People that don't? fukem

Communication is what defines humans from animals and if you can't or won't do so than you can't expect fellow cooperation.

The laziness I speak of is facilitated by you know who. Cease the coddling and the laziness will wane.

Posted by ghostsniper at January 22, 2015 2:17 PM

Bring back showing 'Song of the South' and they will learn to speak properly. Uncle Remus can teach them.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at January 22, 2015 3:31 PM

Black Afro-American Negro People of Color were overlooked when the US Army wanted a secret language understood by few Americans and no Oriental Asian People of Yellow Color.
The Army chose Native American Indigenous People of Red Color. They were taught to speak in code and fooled many people for decades.
Nobody in the world, including People of No Color want to be mistaken for White Anglo-Saxon Protestants of No Color.

My uncle Letsgo Lozko volunteered his bantam chickens for the war efforts in WWII, having devised a chicken talkers code.
Apparently it was nothing to crow about but he didn't squawk. You hardly heard a peep out of him.

Posted by chasmatic at January 22, 2015 4:12 PM

Group ID. White trash exhibit the same desire to retain their dialect lest they be accused of thinking better of them self than the rest of the group.

Posted by tscottme at January 22, 2015 10:57 PM

Black Afro-American Negro people don't need to worry. One look at them and a few words and nobody will mistake them for anything other than what they are.
White trash, yeah they are real worried about being mistaken for anybody else, like Black trash or Red trash or Yellow trash. All they'd have to do is cover their tats and keep their mouths closed so we don't see the missing teeth and there you are, blend right in with the rest of us.

Posted by chasmatic at January 22, 2015 11:30 PM

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