Comments: And so say we all....

I first started readin Wretchard because Steve Den Beste started touting Belmont Club. Wretchard has a couple of things going for him.

1. He is just plain very smart.

2. He writes English, which I assume is not his first language, very well.

3. He has life experiences, including a lot of time in the Philippines radical underworld, that a very different from those of middle class white people, this allows him to cut through the smoke and fog with great acuity.

4. He has spent enough time in the US to understand American culture and politics as well as most Americans.

He is a real treasure.

Posted by Fat Man at March 3, 2015 2:55 PM

Think clearly and you'll write clearly.

Posted by G6loq at March 3, 2015 6:20 PM

I read him every day. I haven't read any better cultural analyst on the net and blogs. His brilliance constantly amazes me.

Posted by Robert Lowe at March 4, 2015 7:26 AM

I'm an avid BC'er

Posted by DonRodrigo at March 4, 2015 8:40 AM

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