Comments: Today it seems like feminism is largely defined by cringing, whining, cowering, and weeping emotional infants.

"Trigger Warning: College Kids Are Human Veal: Abetted by idiot administrators, today’s students seem incapable of living in the real world." by Nick Gillespie

"Every time we seem to have reached peak insanity when it comes to the intellectually constipated and socially stultifying atmosphere on today’s college campuses, some new story manages to reveal vast new and untapped reservoirs of ridiculousness. In a world of trigger warnings, microaggressions, and official apologies featuring misgendered pronouns that start a whole new round of accusations, wonders never cease.

* * *

"But really, what the fuck is wrong with kids these days and, more important, the supposed adults who look after them? They act as if they are raising human veal that cannot even stand on their own legs or face the sunlight without having their eyeballs burned out and their hearts broken by a single deep breath or uncomfortable moment. I’m just waiting for stories of college deans carrying students from class to class on their backs."

Posted by Fat Man at April 30, 2015 11:43 AM

Didn't that sh*t used to be called "the vapours"? Baby hasn't come such a long way after all.

Posted by leelu at April 30, 2015 2:28 PM

Some dickhead called me a "faggot" on Facebook for daring to dismiss hysteria about the Koch brothers. I pointed out to him his likely genealogy and probable DNA disconnects and left it at that. But was that the right reaction? Shouldn't there be safe places for old guys who . . . oh wait. They're called bars.

And what the hell am I doing on Facebook anyway?

Posted by DonRodrigo at May 1, 2015 12:23 PM

Don: Lie to no one.
If it’s somebody close to you, you’re gonna ruin it with a lie.
If it’s a stranger, who the fuck are they that you gotta lie to them?

As for the rest of 'em, they can go fuck themselves.

Posted by chasmatic at May 1, 2015 8:57 PM

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