Comments: The "Droneiacs" Way of War [Bumped]

Anything that can be programmed can be hacked.
There, feel better?

Posted by chasmatic at May 23, 2015 11:01 AM

"It is a monstrous, an unambiguously evil way to conduct war,..."

That ain't war.
It's terrorism and it's criminal, and the perpetrators, all of them from the top to the bottom, need to be rounded up and 10lb sticks of C4 strapped to them and detonated simultaneously.

They start shit, tell you it's someone else, then make up even more shit to make you believe they are the good guys when all along it was just a simple ploy to separate you from your mind and like the big mouth bass you love being you sucked it down like a big fat juicy nightcrawler and begged for more, More, MORE!!!!!

Posted by ghostsniper at May 23, 2015 11:21 AM

What is the problem with killing Muslims. They do it to each other. Why can't we do it to them?

Posted by Fat Man at May 23, 2015 1:28 PM

Here is what you are saving from the death they have earned:

Islamic State burned a woman alive for not engaging in an ‘extreme’ sex act, U.N. official says

P.S. I don't want to hear anything more about US college girls.

Posted by Fat Man at May 23, 2015 3:06 PM

While all is being said, not much is being done.
To address a scourge such as Islam we must think in terms of extermination.
Think: Dresden;
Think: Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Collateral damage? Every time some unfortunate guy gets beheaded and the video goes viral?
Really, collateral damage? You're worried some kids or old people are gonna get killed?
When they kill one of ours, we kill one hundred of theirs.
It has been seen and experienced in most every other country in the world, from the "super-powers" to the Third World yocky-dock countries: Islam is not a good thing. It benefits nobody, apparently not even the adherents.
We are all listening to rumors that something bad is gonna happen. Instead of cowering and hoping that it won't happen near us we should be fire-bombing Baghdad and other concentrations of Muslim terrorists. Can't find 'em? Enlarge the target area.

The justification, if one is needed, is that the Muslims are Evil. Whether we are spiritual or worldly, believers or atheists, young, old, gay or straight, male or female, White or Black, or any other combination of the above, the paradigm in which we all repose dictates that some things are good, some bad, and some Evil.
The remedy to the damage and destruction, the murder most foul and the barbaric actions of Muslims can only be met with a force strong enough to overcome once and for all that which threatens all others.
Death sudden, overwhelming, final, no hesitation, and thorough by whatever means will accomplish the end result — elimination of the Evil.

Wait until they break out the nukes.

Posted by chasmatic at May 24, 2015 2:42 AM

@Fat Man, What is the problem with killing white people or anyone else. They do it to each other. Why can't we do it to them?


To which I say, regarding the *we* aspect, "Who's stopping ya?"

Posted by ghostsniper at May 24, 2015 9:22 AM

Am I the only one who has noticed that we aren't reading about any wedding parties being blown up lately? I guess in addition to being a better speechwriter than his speech writers, Obama is also a better target selector than his target selectors.

Posted by DaveR at May 24, 2015 9:38 AM

Just because somebody says “Have a nice day” doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.

MSM and political agenda determine what we read about. Um, lemme see now, what's the Crisis of The Week?

Hey ghost: if you like everyone you meet then you're not meeting enough people.

Posted by chasmatic at May 24, 2015 1:03 PM

@Chas, I can barely tolerate anyone, so I go out of my way to not encounter them.

Posted by ghostsniper at May 24, 2015 7:13 PM

From the article,

" unambiguously evil way to conduct war, which is nevertheless attractive in the post-modern West because, for the perpetrators, it is sanitized and casualty-free — and thus compatible with the smug self-satisfaction of our liberal and progressive elites."

All I have to say is get fucking real.

There is so much phony, chickenshit, and wrong with that snippet, I don't know where to begin. It makes my head hurt from the sheer hypocrisy.

In war, one thing matters, killing the enemy, killing them in sufficient numbers to break their will to fight. Period. Ask W.T. Sherman, or Patton, or LeMay. While I will say you need boots on the ground to take and hold real estate, if we can sit back and kill the enemy without any casualties on our part, why not? As for the unfortunate collateral damage, I don't really care!
The only people who seem to care are in the western media, who cried crocodile tears for the poor civilians when Bush was in office, but now seem to ignore the matter altogether. As for the Islamists, they use women and children as shields when firing on our troops. So tell me again why we need to give a shit, when they don't?

A quick search on the internet yields this...

And the covert Obama strikes, the first of which hit Pakistan just three days after his inauguration, have killed almost six times more people and twice as many civilians than those ordered in the Bush years, the data shows.
That was written in 2012.
What the author of that pathetically poor piece might have meant, was that drone strikes alone are a poor substitute for a lack of any coherent strategy, or goal. A poor substitute for a victory which was within our grasp.
But as in the Vietnam years, in order for the left to claim they were correct, America's aims had to be thwarted and our achievements destroyed.
But don't now condemn under Obama what was defended under Bush. Geez...

Posted by Tim P at May 24, 2015 10:40 PM

Buttle. Tuttle.

Posted by Joan of Argghh! at May 25, 2015 8:25 AM

Tim: the way I see it is, it's not the POTUS but the policies. People tend to get the two mixed up.
That having been said, I personally believe that whenever our country goes to war we should do whatever it takes to win. Whatever. It. Takes.

While all is being said, not much is being done.
To address a scourge such as Islam we must think in terms of extermination.
Think: Dresden;
Think: Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
Collateral damage? Every time some unfortunate guy gets beheaded and the video goes viral?
Really, collateral damage? You're worried some kids or old people are gonna get killed?
When they kill one of ours, we kill one hundred of theirs as Kipling wrote in The Grave of the Hundred Head.
It has been seen and experienced in most every other country in the world, from the "super-powers" to the Third World yocky-dock countries: Islam is not a good thing. It benefits nobody, apparently not even the adherents.
We are all listening to rumors that something bad is gonna happen. Instead of cowering and hoping that it won't happen near us we should be fire-bombing Baghdad and other concentrations of Muslim terrorists. Can't find 'em? Enlarge the target area.

Folks, as unpleasant as it may appear, going against spiritual principles that I and many others espouse in Christianity, the only solution for the Muslim threat is to kill every last one of them: their families, their friends, their neighbors; to lay waste to their crop lands and salt their wells, to destroy their buildings such that no two stones lay atop one another.
The justification, if one is needed, is that the Muslims are Evil.

The remedy to the damage and destruction, the murder most foul and the barbaric actions of Muslims can only be met with a force strong enough to overcome once and for all that which threatens all others.
Death sudden, overwhelming, final, no hesitation, and thorough by whatever means will accomplish the end result — elimination of the Evil.

Posted by chasmatic at May 25, 2015 8:27 AM

"So tell me again why we need to give a shit, when they don't?"


There ya go folks, from the mind of a child, trapped in an adult body.

It justifies wrong by citing other wrongs.
It's OK to murder someone because, well, someone else murdered someone. You can use that line of (un)reasoning for any and every thing.

Until someone blows your fucking head off.

How do people get this way?

Posted by ghostsniper at May 25, 2015 2:33 PM

I hate to interrupt your moral preening, but perhaps, if you are so above it all, you might share the better way you pretend to know.
By your logic, Sherman, LeMay,and many others are also child minds trapped in a man's body and thus beneath you. Sherman did not hesitate to make Georgia howl. He understood that if you want to end the war sooner than later, you took it to the people, all the people. LeMay's firebombing tactics over Japan at the end of WWII were not aimed at military targets per se. They were meant to break the will of the population. He probably saved two-million American casualties. So if you are so fucking superior, tell us your plan! Otherwise you're just another miserable little internet troll. You remind me of the old New Yorker cartoon, "on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog."

Posted by Tim P at May 25, 2015 7:48 PM

An internet crybaby compares itself to Sherman and bawls like the child it is when I draw attention to it.

I can offer no explanation that you would be able to understand Tim as you seem to be trapped at the level of an 8 year old. Sorry.

Now go clean yourself up, or rather, get some of your *we's* to do it for you.

Posted by ghostsniper at May 25, 2015 8:08 PM

Every method of surveillance, stealth, war, and population control that is or has been perfected in foreign wars is awaiting an application at home.

Posted by james wilson at May 26, 2015 8:23 AM

First, you need work on your reading comprehension. Nobody, certainly not me is comparing themselves to Sherman. How you came to that conclusion reveals more about your level of education and intelligence than you should be comfortable publicly divulging. Second, of course you offer no explanation. Again putting yourself above it all by saying I wouldn't understand it, how convenient. Why don't you try? Because you have no ideas to put forward. Just bile and bitterness. So please don't project your faults and shortcomings onto me. It is evident from your writing that the only eight year old here is probably you.

Posted by Tim P at May 27, 2015 6:28 AM

Your fears are not my chains Tim so if you have a problem over there go fix it yourself instead of whining for other people to do it - people you call "we". And stop the fucking lying asshole.

Posted by ghostsniper at May 28, 2015 10:28 AM

The problem, other than the moral one, with this sort of thing is that technology is leaky (data wants to be free, was the watchword twenty years ago) and what you have today, they will have tomorrow.
Read this:

Posted by bilejones at May 28, 2015 2:27 PM

Hit the wedding parties too. They are a sure fire nest for more muslims.

Posted by Jack at May 29, 2015 12:12 PM

It just cost me two hundred dollars to repair the damage done to my car by a fucking huge pothole in the road.
Why is the US fucking around trying to reduce other countries infrastructure equal to that of ours?

Posted by bilejones at May 29, 2015 6:05 PM

if you like everyone you meet then you're not meeting enough people.

Posted by sampath at June 5, 2015 12:44 PM

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