Comments: Conservatives have principles, but human nature is a powerful thing, and human nature favors payback.

I have long argues that our liberal elites shun religion and the military. This is central to their identity, but fatal to their pretensions.

In the coming civil war bet the side that knows how to use its weapons.

Posted by Fat Man at July 31, 2015 1:02 PM

If a 3rd American Civil War erupts, the first one was between the British loyalists and the American Revolutionaries,(with France, Spain, and Holland on their side against the Mother country) don't expect Russia and China to stand aside and not contribute arms and advisors to the faction(s) they favor the way America hasn't stood aside contributing both in countless civil wars in other foreign lands.

America will not be fighting their next civil war in a vacuum of national solitude, foreign players will have a global intent and interest in the outcome.

Posted by Speller at July 31, 2015 8:44 PM

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