Comments: Mistaeks Wur Maid: Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

The more important questions are:
Have the caps average thickness changed significantly, and if so what changes are there in average ocean water level, weather patterns and intensities?
What are the causes of the changes, how long will the causes and changes persist, and what's to be done to accelerate or decelerate the changes?
In anticipation of catastrophe, should we all be wearing open-toed, insulated, waterproof combat boots and knickers?

Posted by Stug Guts at May 26, 2015 9:46 AM

Please replace, above, 'average thickness' with average ice volume.

Posted by Stug Guts at May 26, 2015 9:50 AM

Actually I think the more important question is "Does Chicken Little have a slot open in his schedule?"

Posted by Rob De Witt at May 26, 2015 11:24 AM

Awright now Rob. Back off the chickens.

My uncle Letsgo was involved with some top secret groups that trained common barnyard animals to become instruments of death. Need I state which animal was the most ferocious? Some of the files were redacted but I managed to glean something from a source high up in the intelligence world:

As for the bantam chickens, those little sumbitches are the living descendants of velociraptors. I wouldn't be messing with 'em.

Uncle Letsgo told me one story that I took with a grain of salt until recent developments brought it all together. He tells of one of the commanding officers of the Killer Animals that woke up with a chicken's head in his bed. Yowzer.

Posted by chasmatic at May 26, 2015 12:50 PM

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