Comments: There is no conservative party. There is a Republican Party.

Knish wrote a nice article, but commented only the carrots that congressmen chase from their donors. We on the right should also consider the stick factor also influencing a congressman.

They are also influenced by pain caused by bad press, lawsuits, aggressive investigation of their pasts, picketing, demonstrations, rotten tomatoes thrown at them, etc. etc. That's the stick.

The left knows this and works it hard. The internet is rife with the rumor that the chief justice is being blackmailed. Wouldn't surprise me a bit - a judge is a just politician on a pension.

The real reason the right is in trouble is that we are lazy, useless bastards when it comes to politics. The rest never rests, never sleeps, they are always working politics, always pushing, planning, gnawing with their rat like teeth.

Posted by Fred Z at June 27, 2015 7:42 AM

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