Allen West: “No different than the last time we had a weakling in the White House when we had 52 Americans being held hostage”

AMEN BROTHER! West has to be someone's VP!

Posted by joeDaddy at July 23, 2015 3:07 AM

I love hearing from that man! No uh's, you know's,etc. He is a very good speaker.

Posted by Snakepit Kansas at July 23, 2015 4:36 AM

Obama's 180 degree turn on Foreign Policy is a good way to sort out the 'sheep from the lions' in our fold. Conservatives/Republicans/Libertarians/Other (Yes, we've fragmented that badly now) who quietly acquiesce to this madness are sheep.

I always love to hear Allan West speak. It gives me hope.

"I can't spare this man; he fights."

~A. Lincoln

Posted by cond0011 at July 23, 2015 6:23 AM

Yeah well, speaking is only half the conversation.
Some of you people need to go buy a gd clue.
srsly, you enablers are at the root of the decline of this country.

lock n load

Posted by ghostsniper at July 23, 2015 7:16 AM

"srsly, you enablers are at the root of the decline of this country."


Allen West is no McCain, Ghost-Sniper. Neither is he a Lindsey Graham, or a john Boehner. THEY are Beltway RINOs and are part of the problem. I'm seriously thinking they've sold out years ago.

Also, 'Locking & Loading' WILL be an unmitigated disaster. The Leftists WANT you to 'Lock & Load' as their specialty is - like a virus - to takeover the country from within and transform it into a Totalitarian State.

With their control of the Education System and the media, they will swell the the ranks of their Free-Shit Army with freshly churned out Zombies and cut our 'emotional chow lines' (Our Cassus Belli) while simultaneously energizing their minions via Demonizing us through the Leftist Media.

Please read history.

So... how do we beat these evil power hungry bastards without the use of guns?

Here's my answer from elsewhere:


Quick Survey: What's the biggest issue on your radar right now? ~(Scott Ott on his FB Page)
Biggest issue?

Well... there are so many issues on the table now we are:

1. on hte verge of being overwhelmed Cloward-Piven Economic collapse
2. War on Christianity,
3. War on Family,
4. Demagoguery of Race (for creation of their Brownshirt 'Free-sh*t army),
5. Demagoguery of Police (for its nationalization-like the Nazis did),
6. War on Military,
7. Illegal Alien invasion (Increase size of the Free-sh*t army),
8. War on Small Business (Over regulation and raising minimum wage), destruction of the middle class... etc...

But that's the idea:

"Control by Chaos" - the Demagogues path to power.

(Control by Chaos)
www . youtube . com/watch?v=N4r0VUybeXY#t=3m50s

The Trotskian Control of the Media/Press they have will give them topsides of other anarchists (Thus will the 'lock & load' bunch end up 'standing against the wall' at the end of their failed insurrection, because WE are NOW the outsiders - not them.)


"So whats the biggest issue of all this mess?"

The Media

The Socialists and their control of the media.

They wouldn't get away with a fraction of all these crimes if they didn;t have complete control of the media.

(Movie - They Live. Revelation)
www . youtube . com/watch?v=QVgl1HOxpj8


This is my wish list of jobs needed to be done. Fix one, and then go to the next (as long as this whole mess doesn't implode):

(*Cut Socialist Communication Lines*)

1. Media

(*Disband Socialist Free Sh*t Army*)

2. End Voting for ALL freeloaders: All people living off of entitlement programs (Free Sh*t like Foodstamps, welfare, Unemployment) be declared dependents of the state (thus 'children' of the load bearing people) and lose their right to vote for x years after the last payment is given.
3. Illegal Alien exodus - all anchor babies post Reagan amnesty nullified, too. WHEN 1/4 OF ALL OF MEXICO IS LIVING WITHIN OUR BORDERS - not to mention all the other illegal aliens, it is no longer immigration, but invasion.

(*Eliminate Socialist Leaders*)

4. Judicial system - address the sedition of the demagogues in Academia, Education Politics and (now) the military. issues of political corruption, overseas political/finanacial influence in key areas need to be dried up and banned with the takers of overseas bribes censured or put in prison. etc... etc... LAWFARE MUST BEGIN and these criminals need to be removed, otherwise, things will jsut get worse (think Trey Gowdy on steroids, Watergate, etc...)

5. Finance - Attack Non-state Financiers destabilizing our nation - George Soros and other Trade Federation Members (tm) have been given a pass for far too long with their overt manipulation of our politics (Note: George Soros indirectly funded the Ferguson Riots). Freeze accounts of these over seas bozos on grounds of sedition. Bankrupt his empire, void his licenses, boycott his goods, ban him and his cronys from any american business interests. Non-state entiies who meddle with American Security need to be ...curtailed.

(*End Socialist Officer recruitment - (Useful Idiots) *)

6. High School Education
7. Academia
8. Hollywood.

(*Disarm Socialist Demolition Charges on our economy*)

9. Start the process of Privatizing ALL Entitlement programs (yep - they're doomed)
10. Balance Federal Budget - Limit Entitlement Spending (SocSec/Medcare/MedCaid/Unempl/FoodStamps/etc) to EQUAL Military Spending. Yes, we will still be deficit spending, but at least we will not be bleeding out like we have for the last 7 years. Have these entitlement programs discuss amongst themselves as to the amount each program receives.

(Bill Whittle - The Vote Pump)
www . youtube . com/watch?v=u24nH03NccI#t=3m16s

Posted by cond0011 at July 23, 2015 9:08 AM

"Allen West is no McCain...."

Both want to rule you.
Slaves are meant to be ruled and that doesn't include me.

This thing's gonna have to crash and burn off all the retarded flotsam before it can start to build anew.

Posted by ghostsniper at July 23, 2015 11:05 AM

"Both want to rule you."

Do you have a choice for a candidate?

Or have you stopped trying completely?

Posted by cond0011 at July 23, 2015 11:42 AM

West's statement clearly demonstrates the depth & breadth of his profound ignorance.

Deluded into believing obama to be stupid, or weak, or ineffectual indicates an inability to recognize reality - obama is utterly evil and exceedingly able to propagate the same.

Please, wake up - you won't vote your way out of this.

Posted by itor at July 23, 2015 12:42 PM


Drastic action can happen through voting, Itor.

They did with Scott Walker in Wisconsin.

Former POTUS Calvin Coolidge cut Federal Spending by 50%.

Besides, look at how drastically Obama has transformed this country in the last 7 years.

Posted by cond0011 at July 23, 2015 1:46 PM

Your list is good cond0011 but I disagree with the order (unless your order is random). The root problem is education, especially higher education. Anybody who goes into a profession first goes through the education system. Everyone in the media, the bureaucracy, etc. goes through the propaganda mill called higher education to have their worldview calibrated. It takes with most but not all. Remember, Progressivism got it's foothold in the US through higher education and entertainment (Hollywood). If we want to fix the USA we must start by taking back education, both primary and secondary. If we do that the rest (media, etc.) will take care of themselves.

Posted by D S Craft at July 23, 2015 2:30 PM

I'd have to agree. I don't see him as weak at all. He's done and continues to do real damage, and has been very effective. A "malicious subversive" Pamela Geller called him.

Posted by Will at July 23, 2015 2:52 PM

Thank you DS Craft.

Yes, the order is correct.

I agree, the longterm poison is the education system which has become leftist/eloi factories churning out mal-educated Western Civ hating zombies for a very long time.

But the Media is the Air-Cover/Communication lines of this Ideological War of theirs (The education system is the 'factories' behind the lines, The Free-shit Army are their Brownshirt Troops, the leftist politicians are their 'generals', the Middle-Class College Mal-educated idiots are the NCO's of their Free-shit Army and the chaos they are making of our culture is the battlefield).

The IMMEDIATE communication between the higher ups and their zombies is through the media. The bombardment of their enemies via demonization, the bolstering of zombie moral through agitation of contrived wrongs, the nullifying of our defenses via the memory hole ALL is derived via the media.

Thus for the immediate needs, the media needs to be destroyed first. IF EVER THERE WAS A SHOOTING WAR (and god, I hope it NEVER comes to that) IT IS VITAL TO TAKE OUT THE MEDIA - OTHERWISE WE ARE SCREWED.



In Russia, the communists used to demonize their opponents long before the Revolution, which made it easier for them to physically eliminate the opposition later. As soon as they were in full control of the government, they began to demonize entire segments of the society, subcultures, and classes of people whom they deemed incapable of change.

Observe a visual example of communist demonization: an agitprop poster titled "Enemies of the 5-Year Plan," more broadly interpreted as "enemies of socialism" and, by extension, "enemies of the people."

A disparaging verse at the bottom describes who the enemies are:

The wealthy landowner
The kulak (a pejorative term for a wealthy farmer who "exploits" hired labor)
The drunk
The clergy (a Russian Orthodox Priest)
The bourgeois press (a non-compliant, independent journalist)
The capitalist (a banker, industrialist, merchant)
The Menshevik (a political opponent from a different communist faction)
The surviving remnants of the pre-revolutionary law enforcement and the military

The wealthy farmers, being the most numerous group and the most likely to resist the collectivization of agriculture, were subjected to the most vicious dehumanization reminiscent of the anti-Semitic propaganda in Nazi Germany.

Note this Lenin quote on another dehumanizing poster: "The kulaks are the most bestial, brutal and savage exploiters, who in the history of other countries have time and again restored the power of the landlords, tsars, priests and capitalists." (Full quote in Russian)

The demonization of the kulaks laid the groundwork for their subsequent annihilation. Facing a peasant rebellion, Lenin sent the following telegram to his henchmen: "Hang publicly (in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers. Make their names public. Take away all their grain. Make a list of the next group of hostages. Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of miles around the people might see, tremble, realize, and scream: 'they are strangling, and will strangle to death, the bloodsucking kulaks'."

Other non-compliant citizens were dealt with in a similar fashion. "Statements from the few survivors, published in émigré newspapers the following year, describe Sevastopol, one of the towns that suffered most heavily under the repressions, as 'the city of the hanged.' 'From Nakhimovsky, all one could see was the hanging bodies of officers, soldiers, and civilians arrested in the streets. The town was dead, and the only people left alive were hiding in lofts or basements. All the walls, shop fronts, and telegraph poles were covered with posters calling for 'Death to the traitors.'

They were hanging people for fun."

www . americanthinker . com/2013/01/the_collectivist_mind_game_part_1_demonizing_the_non-compliant.html

Posted by cond0011 at July 23, 2015 3:07 PM


"A "malicious subversive" Pamela Geller called him."


Pamela Gellar is one of the Good guys.
Allen West is also one of the Good guys.

So is Sarah Palin, Scott Walker, Rick Santorum and other heavily maligned "Classical Liberals" (Conservatives of today) such as Robert Spencer, Clarence Thomas, and the late Andrew Brietbart.

The heavier the Media maligns them, the more I find they are the Good Guys.

Imagine That.

Posted by cond0011 at July 23, 2015 3:13 PM

Obama is fundamentally transforming America in the same way that one fundamentally transforms a car against a tree at 80mph.

Posted by Mike Richards at July 24, 2015 12:27 AM

Mike Richards, I'll be stealing that phrase!

Posted by Snakepit Kansas at July 24, 2015 4:45 AM

"Or have you stopped trying completely?"

Depends on what you're *trying* for.
I'm trying to live my life in such a way that it does NOT cause a negative impact on others.
You appear to be in favor of the opposite.
Thanks a lot.


"Besides, look at how drastically Obama has transformed this country in the last 7 years."

A direct result of voter action, something YOU are in favor of. Again, thanks a lot.


"IF EVER THERE WAS A SHOOTING WAR (and god, I hope it NEVER comes to that)"


The voters require nothing less and continue to ignorantly fuel that effort.

"All politics now are simply dress rehearsal for all out civil war."
--Bill Beck, 2005

I'll go down in the first wave if it gets that far. What I really suspect is that mass cannibalism will eviscerate a large portion of the cancer and if the rest of us can manage to stay out of the way the sun will shine again.

Posted by ghostsniper at July 24, 2015 4:52 AM

"I'm trying to live my life in such a way that it does NOT cause a negative impact on others.
You appear to be in favor of the opposite."

Ghostsniper... I hope you realize the psychology going on in this sentence. I respect your opinions, but this phrase is obviously contentious.


""Besides, look at how drastically Obama has transformed this country in the last 7 years.""

"A direct result of voter action, something YOU are in favor of. Again, thanks a lot."

Itor no longer saw the effectiveness of voting anymore and I gave him 3 examples of people who did actual drastic changes and they got voted in. 2 examples were good (Coolidge, walker), one example was bad (Obama).

The issue was the effectiveness of voting, NOT the results.


""All politics now are simply dress rehearsal for all out civil war.""
--Bill Beck, 2005

"I'll go down in the first wave if it gets that far."

Okay, you and Itor have lost hope in resolving the issue via voting. I got it. You answered my question. Thanks.

I have not lost hope yet - not completely. One thing I do want to say is that my words have weight in regards to who the REAL enemies are. The Free-Shit-Army are a pathetic bunch hooked on Goodies given by their Puppet Masters.

Posted by cond0011 at July 24, 2015 8:28 AM


Perhaps a greater scope of view is in order. All rules/regulations/laws/policies create their own constituencies who will do whatever to maintain their advantage; one need look no further than health insurers (who were initially against obozocare) yet virtually all support it now. The R’s WILL NEVER repeal obozocare, simply because too many now are fabulously wealthy from its enactment. By the way, you may recall such sterling examples of conservatism as ADA, and Medicare expansion – Bush programs I believe.

Look back to the 2008 “election” – what Bush policies did obozo rail against? And which of those policies/laws/rules/regulations once decried by obozo were substantively changed or abolished? The answer is NONE. Just as with Bush replacing Klinton, Klinton replacing Bush, Bush replacing Reagan, Reagan replacing Carter – they ALL maintained the status quo.

It is especially instructive to review the presidential record of St Ronald the Fraudulent – you may recall that as candidate he promised to end the Dept of Energy, to abolish the Dept of Education, to reduce the size of government, to reduce the cost of government, and so on. Yet, he did none of those things, in fact he did the opposite. Of course, he had the white house solar panels removed; an act calculated to stir up braggin’ rights amongst his voter base who were then and now informed largely through jingo, chant, slogan & imagery.

Oh, and the left doing a fabulous Brer Rabbit impression acted as if he were their enemy, all the while secretly pleased with the collectivist policies promoted!

It seems we are long past the point described by Huxley:

“By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms -- elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest -- will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial [...]. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.”

Thus, the promotion of West (or any candidate) as someone who will clean up the district of cesspool is absurd – one cannot strain (vote) out the chunks and make the liquid potable, it is simply more of the same.

The system is not broken, it is working exactly as designed, providing the precise returns intended. You just haven’t realized yet who the true beneficiaries are. But you may, in time.

Go ahead, vote for your favorite candidate, whoever that may be, they are not likely to survive the primaries, yet your support will be passed off to another less palatable candidate.

Do know that your support endorses the candidate, the system, and the actions taken. You are responsible for whatever then ensues, whether invading yet another country, promoting infacide, or enslaving millions in the name of the Collective.

Again, you cannot vote your way out of this – no people ANYWHERE have ever voted themselves free of tyrants, in all of history. And why do you suppose that obozo has proposed mandatory voting, if it is such a potent tool of the subjects?

May I suggest some background reading? Perhaps starting with Spooner’s No Treason, and AJ Nock’s Our Enemy, The State?

Enjoy your day.

Posted by itor at July 24, 2015 12:20 PM

I understand what you're saying, cond001. The media ARE the front lines in this war. Goebbels understood this all too well, as did Stalin and the Communists. I just don't know how we 'take out' the media. And whatever is done to neutralize them, remember they will be refreshed each year with wave after wave of marching morons coming out of university. My take on this is that reversing the damage that has been done to our country is going to take a long time and it's going to take coordinated action. Anyone who's looking for a quick fix is going to be disappointed because a quick fix is going to involve violence. A lot of it.

Posted by D S Craft at July 24, 2015 12:31 PM

"It is especially instructive to review the presidential record of St Ronald the Fraudulent"

Funny how the economy took off after he took office, Itor. Funny how the economy is grinding to a halt with Jimmy Carter II - even though the Media puts Frosting on the Turd and calls it a Souffle


"Do know that your support endorses the candidate, the system, and the actions taken. You are responsible for whatever then ensues, whether invading yet another country, promoting infacide, or enslaving millions in the name of the Collective."

So... by NOT voting, you are free of the responsibility of the results? Am I reading this correctly, Itor?


"Again, you cannot vote your way out of this – no people ANYWHERE have ever voted themselves free of tyrants, in all of history. "

Scott Walker. Sarah Palin. Read their Resumes. ;)


" Perhaps starting with Spooner’s No Treason, and AJ Nock’s Our Enemy, The State?"

Do YOU have a solution other than Anarchy and Violence? Elucidate Please.

(And enjoy your day, too)

Posted by cond0011 at July 24, 2015 2:20 PM

@DS Craft

" I just don't know how we 'take out' the media."

Non violently, all I can think of is start a Media without any Socialist-Totalitarian leanings. So yea... you are right.

Posted by cond0011 at July 24, 2015 2:24 PM

I know it's a fictional fantasy, but the late Vince Flynn's first novel speaks to these issues quite adroitly.

"Term Limits". It's back in print, in paperback, on the shelves, now. So, in classic "book club" style, I'd strongly recommend that y'all buy a copy and read it forthwith.

It does speak to the issues of how to corral the media, judiciary and legislature. Sadly though, given how thoroughly and utterly our electronic comms systems are compromised, I don't see that fictional plot coming to fruition.

And that's where they've got a huge advantage over us now. We're down to having to rely on trusted couriers at the pace of human locomotion, and they're able to enjoy the unfettered use of real-time comms, intel gathering and distribution, etc.

The weaponized IRS is busy as it can be, taking down whichever targets appear in it's reticle, just for one. And they've got every branch and agency of the government, operating in the same mode.

Stress fractures everywhere you look, now. That which cannot go on forever, won't.

Interesting times.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by Jim at July 25, 2015 6:34 AM


Your description of the terrorism committed by the revolutionary Communists (publicly hanging farmers, etc.) is the primary, and probably the only reason that Obama is trying so hard to destroy the 2nd Amendment.

They would have a very hard time terrorizing armed Americans like that. But it would be easy-peasy if American citizens were disarmed.

Think about it. Isn't that the end game?

Posted by Smokey at July 25, 2015 2:29 PM

"But it would be easy-peasy if American citizens were disarmed. Isn't that the end game?"

Dang I missed one.

10. Leftist attack on the 2nd amendment.


Better? :)

(#9 as appended to #8 inadvertantly: Destruction of the middle class)

Posted by cond0011 at July 25, 2015 3:10 PM


"Funny how the economy is grinding to a halt with Jimmy Carter II - "

Carter, a flaming idiot, replaced another idiot - Ford, who replaced the deranged Nixon. Oh, and before that was the thug from Texas? I don't believe your line of reasoning is quite working out.
Not sure what your point is, other than economy crashes, only response is up - is that it? Voting, again - relying on political means?

"NOT voting, you are free of the responsibility of the results? Am I reading this correctly, Itor?"

Yes, that is correct - rejection of appeals to collective idiocy.

"Scott Walker. Sarah Palin. Read their Resumes."

Not sure what that would accomplish - unless one wished to be featured in a "reality" show. Please, explain,

"Do YOU have a solution other than Anarchy and Violence? Elucidate Please."

Umm, why do you propose violent means as a solution?

Posted by itor at July 25, 2015 9:46 PM

Perhaps it could be stated in this manner:

"By the act of casting a binding vote, cond0011 wholeheartedly, enthusiastically and irrevocably endorses, condones and approves any and all actions undertaken by his/her candidate of choice (should he/she/it win); yet should any other opposing candidate prevail, cond0011 by extension and activity of voting therefore agrees that such actions, policies and such entered into are likewise agreeable; cond0011 further accepts responsibility for all actions by any candidate/party/political system now or that may exist in the future, and denounces as violent reactionaries any who may oppose such actions by cond0011, his heirs/assigns/agents/candidates or their prescribed functionaries, as such may exists, in secret or otherwise."

You good with that declaration?

Posted by itor at July 25, 2015 10:18 PM

Cond0011: "Do YOU have a solution other than Anarchy and Violence? Elucidate Please."

Itor: Umm, why do you propose violent means as a solution?


You didn't answer the above question and your employing Turnspeak to dodge it:

www . eretzyisroel . org/~jkatz/turnspeak.html

You do not believe in voting and yet you say we should resign ourselves to living under tyrants.

Note: ("Again, you cannot vote your way out of this – no people ANYWHERE have ever voted themselves free of tyrants, in all of history. ")


You're post at 10:18 pm is the level of Troll I have not seen before with you Itor.

I will not indulge it with a response.


Still you have NOT answered my questions earlier. (I'll try again):

(Cond0011) "NOT voting, you are free of the responsibility of the results? Am I reading this correctly, Itor?"

(Itor)Yes, that is correct - rejection of appeals to collective idiocy.

QUESTION: keeping in mind the 'rejection to collective idiocy' AND 'no people ANYWHERE have ever voted themselves free of tyrants, in all of history', WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION (other than Anarchy and violence)?

(Or are you going to continue with your silly Smears and Strawman Arguments (Time = 10:18pm.))

Posted by cond0011 at July 26, 2015 2:23 AM


Or .... Itor... are you saying we should sit back and enjoy tyranny because (Quote:) " people ANYWHERE have ever voted themselves free of tyrants, in all of history. "?


What's your solution? Or are you just enjoying shooting rhetorical spitballs by calling people "ignorant" and "deluded" and not having a solution yourself?

(see above)

Posted by cond0011 at July 26, 2015 10:01 AM