Comments: The peace the administration wins is the peace of appearances

As with the betrayal at the Bay of Pigs & Vietnam, THIS WILL NOT BUFF OUT:

Obama abandoned our allies in Iraq to their deaths.

Obama's Foreign Policy of 'Nuance' is an incredible disaster - and no amount of the press hiding it from us common folk will make it go away as our still living allies (those NOT in Iraq) have gotten the message that we DO NOT value our word to them and DO NOT value their lives;

thus an alliance with us is worthless.

Proof that Elitists, such as Obama, really don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and the latest party in the Beltway.

More proof to 'Clean-haus' in Washington DC as the excess Money and Power are merely sugars feeding this moral cancer infecting our government.

Posted by John Condon at July 28, 2015 6:39 AM

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