Comments: You will never elect anyone to take the government apart.

"You will never elect anyone to take the government apart. Once you know how to work it well enough to get in charge of it, you don't want to wreck it."

...and so must fall 'The Hammer of Reality'. :(

If Mr Sippican is correct, then the Republican form of Government of elected officials is truly damned as it will need an unelected 'Benevolent Dictator', the likes of "Fredrick the Great" to go and 'set things straight.'

en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Anti-Machiavel

I hope Mr Sippican is wrong, as a Fredrick, or a Washington, or a Cincinnatus are flukes of good fortune, thus making the enlightened Republic as fragile and as short lived as an ice crystal.

Posted by John Condon at August 23, 2015 5:04 PM

It's been like this since the beginning, remember the Louisiana Purchase?

There is literally NO accountability, on the books or in reality.

When wilson signed on for those dredded documents in 1913 he should have been drawn and quartered within 24 hours on the public square.

Same with every damn one of em since, especially the current.

Without accountability you will have irresponsibility - what you have now and have had all along.

This fact underscores why voting won't work and never has. It just passes the horrid issues onto the next guy who then lays his own issues right on top. And the minions never seem to have a clue as they keep asking for more.

Posted by ghostsniper at August 24, 2015 7:01 AM

"This fact underscores why voting won't work and never has."

Do you have an alternative to free-men voting in a Republican form of government, Ghost (Other than having and 'elite' make the decisions for us great unwashed)?

Posted by John Condon at August 24, 2015 10:14 AM

I think it was Jefferson that said a democratic form of government works well for smaller groups.

We don't need a different form of election. We need more accountability and that comes from smaller groups.

Posted by chasmatic at August 24, 2015 10:41 AM

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