Comments: He may be a dictator, butt he’s OUR dictator.

The whole world has become one big con game.
Marketing as far as the eye can see and beyond.

Posted by ghostsniper at August 27, 2015 10:31 AM

Been dead since 1803, but then, it never applied to anyone in the first place.

Posted by ghostsniper at August 27, 2015 10:33 AM

At root, US governments should guard the nation's borders and take out the trash.
This administration throws open the borders and empowers the trash with subsidies
taxed from our much abused working people.
Non-politicians will not be allowed
to challenge the paid-off allied leadership of our two-party masters.
My curse on both of their houses and, yes, I'll vote for a 3rd party challenger,
even knowing the consequences. Man the barricades, dammit.

Ein Volk

Posted by Anon43 at August 27, 2015 5:13 PM

Whatever tattered shreds were left of the US Constitution were wiped out in the last batch of Supreme Court travesties.

Posted by Christopher Taylor at August 28, 2015 7:44 AM

If you're hoping for anything not corrupt, you'll have to choose anarchy.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at August 28, 2015 9:22 AM

I get the appeal of Trump saying provocative things about illegal immigration, and I get the appeal of his being from outside the Washington establishment. What I don't get is why anyone would think there was a shred of principle in the guy, or commitment to any purpose higher than his own aggrandizement. Where in his public history is there the slightest evidence of that? He's an opportunist and a crony capitalist of cartoonish proportions.

Like Obama, Trump is campaigning as a blank slate onto which the desperate can project their hopes. Obama, however, at least had some purpose and direction -- anyone looking at his writings and (limited) record and public statements could see that he was a committed statist, with a redistributionist economic agenda. Trump, in contrast, is a committed self-ist, with the agenda of redistributing money and power to himself. He's truly the equivalent of electing the school bully President in the name of Hope and Change. Just because he's not in the Left's pocket doesn't mean he'd be in yours. He wouldn't be YOUR dictator. He'd be the dictator of whichever direction his moods blew him.

I guess that makes him the "scorched earth" candidate.

Posted by Schill MacGuffin at August 28, 2015 12:56 PM

Hey Schill, I read your message twice and still don't see the downside to Trump. Hell, I'm tempted to vote for the dood. But then reality takes over again as it always does, and I regain my wits about me.

For 30+ years now the oval rug has been heavily soiled beyond recognition so Trump cannot soil it any further, in fact, when he wisks through that office his boot heels may knock some of the larger chunx of soilage off.

@VW, 20 years ago I was railing online for an absence of gov't and everybody told me that things would get worse. I scoffed then and I still scoff.

Here it is, 20 years later, and guess what?
Things are much worse and it's all because of the gov't. In 20 more years, if it lasts that long, and doubt it will last even 3 more years, it will be worse still.

That's just the way it is and it's built-in to the system. There is no way to have a gov't that does not convert to full blown tyranny because at it's base it is a criminal enterprise.

Gov't is founded on 2 crimes, slavery and theft, bolstered by lack of responsibility and accountability, so there is no way possible anything even remotely resembling honesty and truth can occur.

The only reason this rotten assed gov't is still in existence is because of the fear, gullibility, stupidity, and laziness of the citizenry it enslaves and steals from. And massive financial inertia the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Look around you. Think about your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers, your relatives. Would you climb into a foxhole with any of them? Would you rely on any of them to risk their life for you? Would you risk your life for any of them?

These are the people that allow this rotten assed gov't to exist. Maybe you're one of them. Maybe YOU are a gov't enabler.

Are you cowardly, stupid, and lazy?
Do you vote?
If you answered yes to the 2nd question you automatically answered the same to the first question.

The enablers are causing misery for the rest of us. We that take full responsibility for our own lives, mind our own business, ask nothing from no one that we are not willing to negotiate for or outright purchase for consideration.

The enablers are assisting the criminal politicians in the sinking of the USS America.

Posted by ghostsniper at August 28, 2015 7:00 PM

I read somewhere the perfect parallel for The Donald : He is Arnie, and will do for America what Arnie did for California: Not much, but he'll have a darn good time doing it.

Posted by Brett_McS at August 28, 2015 7:39 PM

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