Comments: We have replaced all ancient gods with a single one: equality.

You can drive 150 mph on the autobahns in germany but not on the interstates in the US, know why?

(I was driving an ambulance at 135 mph on the autobahn and a VW Beetle passed me like I was standing still.)

The answer is in the fact that german cars do not have cup holders.

Nor do Indy cars have cup holders, know why?

Cause when your life is on the line silliness disappears all by itself, automatically.

The autobahns are dead serious, life in the US is mostly silliness.

Posted by ghostsniper at October 6, 2015 5:54 PM

"Equality" has been perverted by liberals. They demand equality of results, rather than equality of opportunity.

"Equal opportunity" is a good thing; a basic American value.

But equality of results is communism, no?

Posted by Smokey at October 7, 2015 11:47 AM

Who is going to insure this "equal opportunity"?

Here's another one of my novel ideas:
If you want an opportunity, go find it. I will do the same.

If you want someone to "provide" that equal opportunity it isn't really equal is it?

Posted by ghostsniper at October 7, 2015 3:03 PM

This is nonsense.
The goal is not equality, it is an inversion of the natural order of things, where white men who created all the civil and technical wonders that the whole world now enjoys, or seeks to (Ask a Syrian), are the most disadvantaged caste on the planet.

Posted by bilejones at October 7, 2015 4:45 PM

bilejones: Agreed. Following the tenets of Eugenics we should be breeding up. Instead we are breeding down.
Virtually all immigrants and refugees are non-Whites. They all want to live with White folks because there's running water, sewer systems, good infrastructure.
the thing is, they bring their culture with them and either refuse to surrender it or demand we adapt to them. I'm thinking about what happened in Africa, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, other countries in which the native peoples drove out the White ruling class. Look at Detroit; this will happen all over the US and Europe as immigrants come in and drag everything down.

The lowest common denominator is just that: lowest.

Posted by chasmatic at October 8, 2015 12:45 AM

Yes-yes-yes, the great social experiment foisted upon the masses by social losers.

All want what the privilege of the white man but none wish to pay for it. They believe by dint of showing up, they get a trophy and all the rights and privileges of whites and enjoy the right to depose them.

Monkey kings running the temples.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at October 8, 2015 5:17 AM

I reckon all are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

The Elites by birthright alone; the wretched huddling masses because they are entitled.

What they are is losers.

Posted by chasmatic at October 8, 2015 6:40 AM

I guess the distinction didn't register, so here it is again:

"Equality" has been perverted by liberals. They demand equality of results, rather than equality of opportunity.

"Equal opportunity" is a good thing; a basic American value.

But equality of results is communism, no?


Posted by Smokey at October 8, 2015 4:38 PM

Yes, Smokey, equality of results is communism.

People fear equality of opportunity because some will win and others will lose.

I believe that anyone that wants equality of anything vibes loser.

we should grab our opportunities as they appear and do the best we can. There is no room for the equality dynamic.

Win or lose, that's it.

Posted by chasmatic at October 8, 2015 10:21 PM

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