"I enacted the combat before I re-enacted it.."*

If anyone wants to see the facts about Kerry, go
It is all there on these websites, and they should be read before thinking this grand show
of his is real. The vets are trying to get the truth
about Kerry to the people as they do not in any
way want Kerry to be president. They are also
fighting for their reputation that he destroyed
when he returned home.

Posted by Carole at July 28, 2004 12:31 PM

I wouldn't vote for Kerry in a million years, but I have to say that I don't think we should be ridiculing his military service. Perhaps he did have ulterior motives in going to Vietnam, but he went, and by doing so he put his life on the line. Yes, I know, Bush flew jets in the National Guard, which is risky too, but it's simply not the same kind of risk that Kerry willingly took. Again, I am a confirmed Bush voter, but it just seems silly to me to be making fun of Kerry's military service.

Posted by Steve at July 28, 2004 12:43 PM

I'm not ridiculing his service. I am merely pointing out that it was without honor.

Posted by Gerard Van der Leun at July 28, 2004 12:56 PM

I will be interested to see what comes out once Kerry is the official nominee with no turning back.

Posted by Oscar at July 28, 2004 3:23 PM

Re. the Swiftvets link. Does that come down to near zero. I would conclude, taking the site at face value, his reviews in the harshest reading amount to, you don't have a very high career ladder in the navy.

Re. Gerard's "To choose to go and fight for your country in order to acquire footage to further your mean and low political ambitions, is shameful and dishonorable." Is a conclusion supported by undisclosed evidence still lurking in some corner of your fevered mind.

Posted by Charles Croninger at July 28, 2004 9:24 PM

It isn't ridiculing to point out that Kerry has admitted to war crimes in Cambodia. And it isn't ridiculing to point out how he turned his back on his country by becoming an anti-war traitor. Opposing your country at a time of war gives comfort to the enemy. And that's treason, my friend.

Posted by Floyd Jackson at September 19, 2004 9:14 PM