The Enemies Among Us

Since I wrote this I have reevaluated one aspect.

The part about forcing unfit persons to leave the US. That is not right. If they are not fit to be here then they are not fit to be anywhere. To allow them to harm others is not right.

Banishment and confinement to a large uninhabited island. Perhaps in the very south Pacific and all ocean going traffic is banned from 100 miles of this island. A geosynchronous satellite will train 1 channel on this island continuously and if anyone violates the 100 mile rule they will be blown up instantly.

The inhabitants of this island, persons incapable of aligning themselves with their former society, will be forced to fend for themselves.

There will be costs associated with this effort, shuttling people to the island, etc. But there will be no support for the inhabitants whatsoever.

To cover the costs of the shuttling a streaming video of the island through the satellite feed will be broadcast on a subscription service, and fed for free in all of the US incarceration facilities. This video would serve as a deterrent and a warning to other criminals or those contemplating the harming of others as the ultimate end of the line for their behavior.

The US, and other countries that want to get onboard, will become safer and they won't bear the enormous financial burden we now struggle under for a system that does nothing regarding justice or preventing habitual recidivism.

Posted by ghostsniper at November 17, 2015 7:42 PM