Algae & Saving the Planet Redux: Carlin and Ghostsniper

Very nice comment!

"All human activity on earth is merely a very thin film on the surface with almost no impact over the whole.

"People have difficulty grasping this concept because of their inability to weigh the scale of the thing as it is compared to the puny nothingness that occupies most of their daily worthless lives.

"All things will pass eventually except the earth, it is here for good and always will be here, doing what it has done for billions of years."

The next time somebody tells you we are running out of almost anything, ask them to tell you if they know what the diameter of the earth is.

It is 8,000 miles.

Then ask them if they know how deep the deepest working mines in the world are.

The top two are about 2.5 and 2 miles deep.

If you add up two of the deepest mine that has ever been mined, one at each end of the earth's diameter, you have about 7,995 miles to go.

We have barely scratched the surface.

There is a lot more of everything than most people can even imagine.

Posted by Punditarian at December 13, 2015 2:53 PM

Great work, Ghost.

Bikini was teeming with life ten years after it was nuked with an enormous hydrogen bomb.

Posted by james wilson at December 13, 2015 5:10 PM

Kudos, Ghost. Well and truly said.


Posted by jwm at December 13, 2015 7:38 PM

I'm constantly amazed here in Minnesota by how fast nature can reclaim a piece of land. Even in the city, one has to devote time and effort to keep back the forces attacking one's house every year.

George Carlin was a dick. Of course, even a dick is right now and then, like a stopped clock.

Posted by Gordon at December 14, 2015 6:46 AM

I read some time ago that if the earth were shrunk in size to the size of a billiard ball, it would be smoother. The Himalaya mountains would not be discernible as any sort of blemish on the 'shine'. The deepest ocean canyons would not be visible.
We are like the ant climbing the leg of an elephant with bad intentions... a joke as far as doing anything to Earth.
If we influence the "Climate" so much, why do we still have monsoons and droughts? Floods and avalanches? We are as passing gas in a hurricane, un-noticed.
Those concerned about 'fossil fuels' should consider the natural 'pollution' on the coast of California near Santa Barbara. More annually than a significant number of 'human caused' spills.(don't remember the details, but Mother Nature is messy...)
Controlling forest fires leads to ... worse forest fires. Controlling predator animals in a 'National Park' leads to unintended consequence deer and other herbivores starving and gleaning all growth, mudslides, and whatever else can be arragned. "Managing" the forests and wildlife is a oxymoron. Too many variables.
Somebody has too large an ego.

Posted by tomw at December 14, 2015 10:18 AM

Very good perspective from Ghostsniper to analyze and digest. Yes, we are very insignificant.

Posted by Snakepit Kansas at December 14, 2015 10:42 AM

Well spoken, gs. We are responsible for what we do with our existence.

Some say we have evolved from some primal slime and some say we've devolved from some thing divine.
Whatever, we are some grand strangeness that was not heretofore -- some combination of kindness, gratitude, yearning, altruism, selflessness, sentience, and search for meaning.

In this universe, we are the ones who appreciate.
Good enough for now if we get on with proving it.

Posted by Howard Nelson at December 14, 2015 11:49 AM