Comments: I want to get back to free speech and away from all this thought policing and the right seems more likely to do that than the left.

I don't know about the cost of prejudice, but the cost of Liberalism is horrendous. Not the Libertarian liberalism but the Progressivism of today's Liberal.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at February 6, 2016 3:44 AM

When obammy was first elected a friend emailed me, "Now maybe the nigga's will shut up."

I replied, "Son, you haven't been paying attention. Now, the wailing will ascend to levels never before seen in world history because one of theirs is in the drivers seat."

They're going for the jugular, with pitchforks.

And succeeding.

Posted by ghostsniper at February 6, 2016 7:04 AM

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