Hair Club for Men Is Taking It to the Street

OK so this is not a winning team, but look how much free advertising the hair club will get :)

Posted by david at July 6, 2004 10:32 AM

former CEOs? cheney's bness performance might be worth bringing up (then again, yr talking about halliburton--how much did they overbill us?), but bush's bness exploits are nothing to brag about. harken? arbusto?

bush is a spoiled rich kid who's driven every company he's been given into the ground.

kerry and edwards sure do have nice hair though.

Posted by jb in nyc at July 6, 2004 2:25 PM

"former CEOs"? With a straight face?
I'm delighted you folks intend to focus like a laser beam on the most trivial crap you can think of to ridicule the Kerry team. How about another article on snowboards, intern affairs, botox, or SUVs? That should turn the polls around for you.
"President Kerry."
You may as well start practicing now. It won't get any easier.

Posted by Ken at July 7, 2004 3:06 PM