Judge Jeanine Pirro on Donald Trump Attacked by GOP

She is speaking the truth and I appreciate it is posted here. What binds both parties together is their own greed. All on the backs of taxpayers and we are sick of it. The ugly, the destructive all have the power now and we are supposed to be subservient to it. We look in horror at the falling of beautiful Europe and understand we are next. Given our choices I choose a bold one and that is Donald Trump.

Posted by Carolyn at March 20, 2016 6:45 PM

On Trump

Well boys, I’ve been saying for purt near a year now, Hillary is gonna be our next president.
Obama was hand-picked and did the ground-breaking. The clockwork was set way back then.
Trump was hired to set the opposition up. Yet another conservative (although I don’t know where to classify him) that got out and got the people all worked up, money floating all over the place. Fight the good fight and lose in a nail-biting finishing stretch, and the conservatives come home as losers saying “well we almost got it, maybe next time will be better”.

Trump accepting the earnings for his role, buried or so thinly washed we won’t see it but his was win-win and the Clintons have heavy weight backing them. Follow the money.
“Why’d you do it Donald?” gets you “Because that’s where the money is.”

Yes, they own Hillary and Trump. When I say "they" I don't mean any Red Mountain ubermenschen , tin foil hats and all. But I don't think global politics is like two neighbors leaning on the fence talking lawn mowers. I mean, really, where do you think the money comes from?

We're talking global "money". Yuge money, they don't even bother to count it, they weigh it. You'll know they are hedging their bets when the nasty stuff on Trump is only dribbled out, just enough to make people who hate him talk. Just like with Clinton, Bush, Obama. Keep the kooks spun out on their own conspiracies while your guy does the exact same job the last few guys have done.

Bath House Barry found that out.

Yes, Trump is on the payroll. And the beat goes on.

Posted by chasmatic at March 20, 2016 9:03 PM

Well, it a fluid situation right now. Kind of like raw sewage flowing to its destination.

Posted by BillH at March 21, 2016 7:03 AM

Feels like the voters who want Trump versus the world, ie: Google, Twitter, Facebook, the entire political machine of the US, the kitchen sink.
I've watched enough political theater in my life to say that I expect the GOP candidate to win this time - the pendulum almost always swings. The key is to get the nomination.

Posted by Casey Klahn at March 21, 2016 8:47 AM

Well, I wanna know who is the strumpet in pink.

"Who bitch this is?"

Posted by ghostsniper at March 21, 2016 1:30 PM

The Gods of the Copybook Headings advise, "Better the devil you know." Ignore their advice at your own peril.

As far as "Why would Republicans... risk a Democrat winning the White House?" goes, to ask the question is to answer the question "Why would Republicans try to sabotage Donald Trump?"

Consider the alternatives:
HRC* wins in 2016 and imposes Democrat policies on America. Americans blame Democrats.
Trump wins in 2016 and imposes Democrat policies on America. Americans blame Republicans.**
Dump Trump becomes a no-brainer for Republicans of principle.

* HRC, Her Royal Clinton-ness.

** We remember another mega-millionaire turned populist Republican office-seeker. Really, what good did Arnold Schwarzenegger do for California? He certainly didn't bring credit to the Republican Party in Ronald Reagan's home state.

Posted by Micha Elyi at March 21, 2016 6:05 PM

Republicans of principle. LOL

Posted by ghostsniper at March 21, 2016 6:32 PM