Atom Bomb: One World or None | The Nation August 18, 1945

I think *Ronnie RayGun* had the right idea but the wrong method.

If a country can safeguard itself from the threat of nuclear annihilation they have effectively disarmed the entire planet.

But this requires a system, not a method, nationwide and unfortunately this is not even remotely possible under a democratic form of gov't.

So, regarding the notion of instant death for millions since that discovery 70 years ago, the rubicon that cannot be uncrossed, is forever more.

Duck and cover my ass.

Posted by ghostsniper at April 20, 2016 2:13 PM

This newsreel was made before the Korean war. Remember Korea and the UN?

Russia boycotted the UN meeting when North Korea attacked the South. Big mistake. With Russia absent and thus unable to cast a veto, the UN voted to defend South Korea. The Soviets learned a hard lesson.

Russia has never missed a single UN meeting since. Furthermore, as the Venona disclosures made clear, the Soviets began a master plan to infiltrate and co-opt the UN. That plan has been astonishingly successful.

It was so successful that the current FSB (the old KGB) now effectively controls the UN. And because its UN infiltration was so easy and so successful, the erstwhile Soviets have expanded their plans, and they have now infiltrated 'fellow travelers' in almost all professional science Boards (usually six member Boards, but it really only takes a couple of votes to change the organization's course).

I regularly tell friends: "Never listen to what Obama says. He's a smooth talker. Instead, watch his actions! They will tell you what's really happening."

Same with the old Soviets, and the UN. And all the professional organizations that march in lock-step, parroting the exact same "dangerous man-made global warming" alarmism.

Scientists always argue. But amazingly, almost every science organization now makes the same baseless claims about man-made global warming — after almost twenty years of NO global warming!

Watch their actions, folks. Their words are lies.

Posted by Smokey at April 20, 2016 4:10 PM