Comments: The modern lynch mob is it is almost always composed of women.

Sweet this means Soros and Jackson and Sharpton have much less influence than I had previously considered warranted.

But what of Gramsci and Rawls, or perhaps Billy Ayers or Satan?

Twist a pigs ear, watch it squeal please yes, but to blame the pig for the noise?

Posted by Denver Window at April 26, 2016 7:01 PM

"....the organizers are always women."

Or, as of late, pajama boi's *identifying* as wimminz.

Was talking on the phone with a friend my age in atlanta this morning and the subject came up of that female student that identifies as a male and her mother that is pushing the school board for proper access to the restrooms. We got a good laugh out of it and remembered how such things were dealt with when we were that age, say, in the mid to late 1960's.

Simply, it wouldn't have happened.
And if it did, the entire family would be terrified to ever leave their home.

A mere 50 years later, in 21st century america, mentally deranged persons are held as hero's and everybody else has to put up with it.

So we turn our collective heads and try to ignore it, hoping it doesn't come any closer, but secretly knowing that it will, so we shudder inwardly, and change the subject in our minds.

~ oh fiddle dee dee, tomorrow's another day ~

Posted by ghostsniper at April 27, 2016 9:07 AM

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