Comments: I don't write the headlines, I just report them.

Well, looks like Bernie lost a delegate.

Posted by Mumblix Grumph at April 28, 2016 7:00 PM

Might have been a Cruzie supporter. They're all bent over his lack of ability to call up the brimstone when necessary.

Posted by Vermont Woodchuck at April 29, 2016 5:19 AM

From that article:

Three officers fired at the suspect — a 25-year-old man from the Baltimore suburbs — and hit him three times, Smith added. He was in serious but stable condition and "expected to survive".


Expected to survive? After 3 shots?

See, that's what happens when you have people with the mentality of those that work at the DMV commandeering "weapons of war" as they are usually called by the LSM.

3 separate gov't employees with FREE firearms that were purchased with stolen money cannot manage to get a kill under the best of all conditions.

And these are the people that are wanting to take over the entire earth?

~ it's not possible for anyone over the age of say 5 to take the keystone kops seriously ~

Posted by ghostsniper at April 29, 2016 7:42 AM

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